Newbie here

Hello all! I would like to formally introduce myself. I am new to this forum and am really enjoying it. Lots of info and looks like alot of great people. My names chris and i own an entertainment company. We just kind of merged/took over a clothing company.

We are going to be expanding that with an automated screen printing machine ( we are looking for one) and an embroidery machine (also looking for one) and im doing lots of research on here.

So untill i become a pro pro at this stuff i will be asking alot of question! ill answer some when i know i could really help some people. Thanks to all for keeping this website up and going!


jr_sanford's picture

Hi Chris,

We were ALL newbies once so you are in good hands.
Ask as many questions as you wish.

Welcome to this forum!
It's already helped me by finding a squeegee sharpener for my shop.

What kind of entertainment are you into?

I formerly worked for Adobe® Systems supporting their Creative Suite® software.
Now I'm the Production Manager (read that as I do everything in the shop) at N.W. Awards in Chehalis, WA.

J.R. Sanford :cool:
Production Manager
NW Awards
185 NW Chehalis AV
Chehalis, WA 98532
(shop) 360-748-7346
(cell) 360-880-6384

Cast aside your limitations;
And you shall be boundless!