I been in the S.P business for 8 years now....Just opened my own shop 2 years ago...Im looking to relocate to a better storefront to increase business. Only drawback is not enough space to get all my S.P. equipment in. I currently have a Vastex shop package 6c/6p printer...dryer...exposure..etc.... Ive been looking at these Tjet direct to garment printers so i dont have to clean screens...manual print...etc.. I dont know if anyone ever converted from the old school method to the new school method. Is it worth it to sell my equipment and convert over or should i just stay with my stuff...I honestly cant get a straight awnser as far as ink consumption on a ink jet opposed to my original method...I want to be able to do dark shirts and all that good stuff.
I wanta get some input on if its worth switching mainly based on cost on production. Like how many full color shirts can you print with the cartridges? Dark shirts how many black shirts can i print with full ink before i run out. Also whats the quality like on the lifetime of the shirt...From my experiances with screen printing and heat transfers ya the heat transfers get great resoultion but the hassle of no bleach hang dry and fading made me realize that screenprinting is the way to go. Im not to worried about mass producing 300 4/c shirts aday. But if it did come up would i be making more profit if i did a process print or used a t-jet?
From pricing inks for these inkjet i noticed they range from like $50-$90 a 4oz bottle... $130 for a 8oz. Now a gallon of plastisol is $40-$80 depending on color and brand...But we all know a gallon of ink can print hundreds if not thousands of 1-2 color shirts. As far as pricing goes for printed garments am i going to have to charge more or about the same price?
So if anyone can give me some input on experiance they've had or what they think is best would be greatly appreciated. I know if i call these inkjet printer companies they will blow smoke up my @#$ to get me to convert over.:eek:
Re: Screen Printing VS Inkjet Garment Printer
DTG printers might be OK for a short run, but I have read from others that own a DTG printer that there is on the average of a 20% loss of products on 100 shirts or more. To me, that does'nt justify the HIGH price of the equipment and the loss of profit. Perhaps in a Mall situation or a Fair you could see a decent profit, but that's about it.
As you posted...your not worried about producing 300 4/color prints....on a screen printer that would go without saying...on a digital printer you might look into the down times for cleaning and the cost of loss. I have also read about the the heads clogging alot and the computer graphics scambling in the middle of a run.
I too thought about one of those DTG printers until I researched them and found out what I've told you. But what do I know...? I'm just a Pastisol-Monkey!
Hope this helps................Greg
At the edge of dreams lay the far-flung ideals of true creation.
Re: Screen Printing VS Inkjet Garment Printer
I heard Mix Reviews on the T-Jet. Said if you take advantage of the free training offered it really helps you maximize the machines potential. Direct Advantage and Brother have good products but cannot do white ink of course. I saw a pretty good offer on Embroidery Trader where a guy was leasing the T-Jet 3 for 4.7% interest. You should check into that.
Good Luck.