wilcom software network propeties

Dear users ;

I found this forum when I searching embroidery on Google and want asking technical problem.

I have computer technical company.
One of my costumers want sent design pc (wilcom soft) to embroidery machine (tajima).

they have licanced wilcom software.
I request they support username&pass on wilcom support forum.
but they cant give that.

I must search this subject on global forums.

they have tajima machines. ( same models )
all models have ethernet port. I connect machine to switch and "DHCP mode active ADSL modem" and all machine's take IP. I verified DHCP panel.

But I search wilcom's menu I cant found any configuration panel.
One of panel searching machine on network but cant find machine.

how I do this connection ?
We must use any special kit ( hardware ) ?

Sorry my terrible English.
Im waiting your response.


I believe this requires factory management software made my Hirsch, Tajima's parent company. I use it myself in my shop. It is a program called "Librarian" Go to hirschinternational.com and click on software at the bottom. That should help you.