By logo emporium on
Mar. 04, 2010
I guess i thought this would be the easiest part of digitizing... creating fonts.... not in my case. I use the Compucon Stitch and Sew program; love the "user friendlyness" of the program but I often have trouble getting clean fonts, particularly the smaller sizes. Very frustrating and I don't know if it is the program or me... Does anyone have any pointers for me?
Re: getting clean font embroidery
"clean font" is matter only for professinals.
Now you ask who is named "professional"
I have writen something about this round the site, you may find if interested.
I sugest you to:
1.give your hardest parts of the digitizing to some digitizers that clame they are "profissionals" ( I am afraid you must pay for )
2. after a while you can decide who you will call "professional"
3. after little more while it can be even possible for you to name this "professional", your "teacher", for helping you be experienced (experiencing in time) into the "clean font" matter.
4. After 4 or 5 years of making such designs by yourself (already with no "teachers" help) you may even name yourself "professional" for doing such "clean" jobs.
After all this you will realize that "clean font" matter is a matter dependant mostly of the operator (you), not the software.
Long time before this is been realized, you will know how hard "clean font" can be produced and will never charge your service on the base of stitch count.
Re: getting clean font embroidery
Have you tried playing with density and pool compensation?
My life is digitized
Re: getting clean font embroidery
Yes. I have played with the density... that is one thing I was doing wrong; I was thinking to add more stitches and find out it is the opposite; But, can you please explain what "pool compensation" is? You are not referring to the tension are you? I have seen that term used before.
Thanks for your response!