embroidery on cashmere

Does anyone have any advice on what settings to use to embroider on cashmere? I have a VERY expensive cashmere scarf I need to monogram and I have never embroidered on cashmere before. What kind of underlay stitch do I use? And is solvy necessary? I need to use tear-away. Should I double up on that? I would appreciate any advice!

I also have a couple of very loose-knitte scarves that I'm unsure about!

SunEmbroidery's picture

I would refuse the job. JMO but it isn't worth the time and stress of trying to embroider customer owned items that are difficult to embroider. If you do decide to do the job make sure your customer understands (have a signed statement) that you aren't responsible if the item is damaged. You'll need zigzig plus contour underlay, additional density, two pieces of tear-away and solvy on top.

That is exactly what I think also. Thanks for the support! I need to listen to myself!!!!