Softwhere serial interface W/Tajima

I'm just wondering if there is any share-ware or free-where like Hyper-terminal that i can use to load designs into my 1501-c machine?

I do have the 9 to 25 pin serial cable from tajima, my machine also has the parallel port. im just looking foe a soft-where to load the designs in to the machine.

in this case you must use tajima soft
you can use also TUL 01 from hirsch for parallel and serial connection
if you will load the designs using external devices ,you will lose trace function and i think on the screen you will see M1,M2, M3....not the name of the designs

I fix tajima machines from many years and I can tell you for tajima machines is nothing free
in time I used for serial connection Mosaic software from pulsemicrosistem and many disk readers models for parallel conection
if you will find a free software you will need a cable or cable diagram(to make your self the cable),to connect the pc to machine
verify your embroidery software if has connection with tajima machines