By bbharmon on
Dec. 06, 2011
Help! I have a 3 year old SWF 15 needle machine. When I embroider a design or just a name, the bobbin thread is being pulled to the top of the design. The top or colored thread is being pulled down so you can not see it. I hope someone is able to understand what I am describing and can help me to fix it. UGH! Thank you!
Re: Need Help With SWF Machine
your bobbin tension is to loose
or your upper tension is to tight
Re: Need Help With SWF Machine
But I do not know how to fix it. Do you know what I need to change on my machine by any chance?:confused:
Re: Need Help With SWF Machine
Slide a business card under the flap on your bobbin case to remove debris. Debris will make the bobbin thread come to the top.:)
Re: Need Help With SWF Machine
Pollchaps is correct. You need to adjust your tension. Try this SWF Tension
Dennis Wilson
Embroidery Machine Technician