By Lana on
Sep. 21, 2007
I will start with a little about myself. I at this moment trying to finish writing my business plan to start my own embroidery business. I am currently working a 9 to 5 now that my son has started kindergarden. I really want to get my plan finished so that I can get my machines. So what I am wanting to ask is I need to find the the research to prove there is a market for embroidery. Where do I look? I am not luck.
Re: Help
Lana, I don't know if this will help at all but I think you should probably look in places such as your local schools, Doctors offices, restaurants. All of the business use embroidered products. All bowling lanes, ******s. Schools will probably be your best bet. Especially if there are high school and such. Teachers love totes, coaches want to look professional with embroidered logos on there polos or whatever. Band Directors aswell. Spirit Towels and duffel bags for basket or football teams. Sport apparel store. Local Baseball teams are always looking for hat to be embroidered. Your local golf club. People who enjoy golfing will certainly purchase a golf towel if it looks good. You just have to be creative and get your business out there. Word of mouth is a great tool. You may have to give a little to gain a lot. I hope this helps!