I don't know how your machine is working out but I am having problems with the palette clamps they are either wearing wearing out or not tightening enough by hand so I am forced to use a wrench on some of them and even then I still have some palettes with a little wiggle in them. What I am wondering since you are so creative if you thought of a better upgrade to these, I know I am looking todo it soon probably something along the line of M&R's system or the rpm's. Since getting the triloc a I have discovered a lot of small things on th press that make a huge difference, on one,specifically no matter how perfect you register the bulls eye it will still print about a single point line off, it is flex in the head during the print stroke. I am working on tightening that head up.
Re: Hey Brian (blinkspot) printex question
I will look at mine in detail Monday to see what can be done.
I know exactly what your talking about with the regerstation. At first I though I was doing something wrong but while working in another shop a guy showed me how to compensate for what he called "Fade". He showed me he had to do the same thing with all 4 of their autos of diffrent brands. What I do is set the first screen then position the rest about a single point line up or out (closer to you). This seems to work and although not perfect it does get the job done.
Owner/Operator of Middletownink