By John Keigley on
Aug. 01, 2012
Is this a good quality printer or is there something better? I have a chance to buy a refurbished one for $1600.00.
Is this a good quality printer or is there something better? I have a chance to buy a refurbished one for $1600.00.
Re: Epsun Stylus Pro 4800
What would you recommend?
Re: Epsun Stylus Pro 4800
That printer would be great just not at that price. You can find them all day long on the used market for well under $800
Re: Epsun Stylus Pro 4800
Like Gerry said, great printer, but that 1600 is not a good price. I'd love to have our 4800 back up and running.
Re: Epsun Stylus Pro 4800
Maybe for well under $800