question about digitizing

I would like to ask any one what digitizing is good.when I,attended the show,talked to one of the tajima representative and he told me that tajima digitizing software is good but Iheard from other pepeople that wilcom is good too.

Ineed help from someone which digitizing software to buy.

thanks for your help.


United States

I heard both are amazing. I don't do digitizing so I sub them out. I'm in contact with three digitizers and each use a different digitizing software (wilcom, pulse, eos3). I'm actually thinking of learning, but I don't know if I have what it takes. :p

Welcome to the forums, Edith and Samantha.

In terms of features, you really can't go wrong with either Tajima DG/ML by Pulse or Wilcom. Both digitizing software are deemed the best by industry professionals.

Contact a distributor of both companies for demos and compare each software side by side. No doubt both software has tons of features, but in the end, what may be the deciding factor in choosing which software is right for YOU depends on:

  • quality of technical support for YOU
  • availability and quality of personal training and education for YOU
The word "you" is emphasized because not everybody requires the same level of hand-holding when it comes to technical support and training. Training and education are not necessarily offered by the software provider/distributor.

edith wrote:
I would like to ask any one what digitizing is good.when I,attended the show,talked to one of the tajima representative and he told me that tajima digitizing software is good but Iheard from other pepeople that wilcom is good too.

Ineed help from someone which digitizing software to buy.

thanks for your help.


I have digitized in Pulse Signature and Wilcom. They are both excellent!!! I have muddled around just a little with the Design Shop program which was put out by Melco as well, but not enough experience to comment on that one. I was also told by a fellow digitizer whose opinion I respect that Capital is a good system as well, however I do not have personal experience with that one. I would recommend contacting distrubutors to request demo versions. Get the demos during a time of year that is not usually so busy, that you will have the time to sit down and work at it. The demos will allow you to test the products as well as your abilities and creativity which will enable you to make an informed decision should you decide to proceed with the purchase of software.


We use Design Shop Pro+ (Melco) and have found that we as newbies are very comfortable with it... yet it has the powerful features to go further.

I have been using Wilcom for last few years.

I must say its one of the best softwares out there. Although i havent played with a lot of new softwares, but i think i will remain sticked to the software i began learning with.

:eek: Almost 12000 satisfied customers enjoying just half the price. :eek:

I bought the Wilcom software last August and it is quite easy to use. The key is you have to pay attention to sewouts that you have. This gives you clues as to how to do your own digitizing.

I digitize for my wife and a friend we have in the business. She swears that my stuff is the best she has gotten.

I am presently looking for a discussion group based around the Wilcom to further my skills.

From what I saw at the show the pulse software should work about the same. I picked Wilcom because iy seemed to me that some of the advanced features were easier to use.

Both programs may be purchased by levels starting at the basics and adding more goodies at each successive level. I personally went all out on the first go and got The Wilcom ES 65 level (their top level).

God luck on yopur purchase and if you enjoy working with computers and challenges you should have a good time.

Attached are a few samples of what I have been able to do.

Joe Rahuba
123 For Embroidery

I have EM 2 and have found after buying the manual, this is still not worth the money, I have been looking at buzz 2 stitches, is anyone familar before I waste more money on how this software works. Thanks in advance since I am new to this forum

I have been punching for 28 years on a digitrack -Melco great for me .I have also used Wilcom I liked it.Also Pulse , after a year I had carpel tunnel so bad I couldnt hold a pen so I went back to the Digitrack. I wouldnt be suprised if Im the only one in the country that still uses one.

Robert Young's picture

ah, Bob at Bob's Monogramming here in San Antonio still uses one too! I like to visit sometimes just to look at the racks and racks of paper art .... all taped together and yellowing with markings all over the place! Nostalgic.
I trained on a Digitrac myself in the late 80's, but as soon as our company could afford a computerized system we jumped at the chance. That was nearly 20 years ago and we have not seen a major change in how we digitize since then! Sure, we are faster and have more bells and whistles (that most probably rarely, if ever, use), but the overall WAY we digitize has not been evolving since that giant jump from Digitrac/Tablet to on-screen.

Modern Embroidery Designer

SunEmbroidery's picture

I've used Pulse for over five years. Support and training has been good. Pulse has Pulse List, an email list for asking questions. Also, Ed Levy runs Embroidery Forum, which has helpful tutorials and other information. Wilcom has the reputation of having the best (nicely digitized) stock fonts. The quality of your work will largely depend on the the amount of time you spend learning and perfecting your digitizing skills after you receive training.

I think no matter what program you use, as long as you feel comfortable with the program, any program is a good program to you. It takes years of practice to become a good digitizer.
A good sword is important, but it's the person holding the sword makes the difference. :)

I used Wilcom for years. It's a great program in every way.
But try to stay away from this program if you are only into auto digitize.
The auto mode on this program is really not that good.