How to emb on a 4x4 hoop to make a 8x10 design

I have a Brother PE500 that only does a 4x4 hoop. But I have a design that I want to do that is a 8x10 size. I dont want it smaller I want to frame it, How would I go about Embroidering that? I know my machine says the design is to big for the machine, so is there a software or way to get it split up so I can do multi hoopings to make it work?:confused:

If its one design linking all elements I won't bother trying it. It would be very difficult getting it reframed in the exact position to the nearest mm at the same time keeping the garment perpendicular to the same horizontal and vertical line.

May I ask why you don't want to stitch it onto a bigger hoop? You don't have it or you don't want to buy it?

Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo

Robert Young's picture

this seems to be a common thing on forums... people sign up, ask a question, then NEVER RETURN or communicate if the advice worked or to participate in a conversation to obtain the solution. So anyone following has no answer either.

Maybe the answer came from some other source and they felt no need to return to additional places they may have asked the same question?

Modern Embroidery Designer

You have to separate the design into separate hoop-able elements. print out a copy of each design scale to actual size then position the paper copies with the one on top of the other with the over overlapping section aligned as needed. The center of the design (of each overlapping section) is the needle start position. Hoop the first part and draw a level line with a washable pencil.Run the first design.Set the paper for the second design, using the level line as a guide. Hoop the second design align to your level line and set the needle to the center of the paper copy. the second design will run from center and overlap where you set the original design. Since you leveled at each set the alignment should be very close if not perfect.