By Adeledupreez on
Oct. 26, 2014
Hi I have a swf single head 9needle something the keypad is not responding. And also drops speed from 850rpm to 180rpm, anybody know what the problem is.
Thanks Adele
Re: Swf single head 9 needle not responding on keypad
It could be almost anything, but certainly sounds like an electronics issue.
The greatest likelihood is either a failing control board (unfortunately, most machines have several, so could be tricky to isolate), or simply connection problems.
If you have a good understanding of this type of system, then it is sometimes possible to remove each connector and board in turn (most are held in with a couple of screws or clips) and re-seat them. Using a proprietory connector cleaning spray at the same time is good, too.
Occasionally, such connections can become oxidised, or loose, from sitting in such an environment of dust, heat, and vibration, and doing this disconnect/reconnect carefully can sort your problem.
However, you absolutely have to know what you are doing so that you don't make a mistake or electrocute yourself! If you have any doubts at all then you will be better calling the service engineer.
Re: Swf single head 9 needle not responding on keypad
Oh, one other idea is it could be a software crash, so there should be a 'hard reset' routine to follow.
You may need to contact your SWF supplier to find what it is, but it will set your machine back to factory defaults. If you've made any changes to those parameters you will need to do that again once the reset routine has completed.
Re: Swf single head 9 needle not responding on keypad
Its the cables connecting to the back of the machine to the control panel below this model is notorious for this,the other possibility is the joint board located under the table on the left side of the machine whenyour facing it.
Re: Swf single head 9 needle not responding on keypad
Ah, Thomas, it is good to see a helpful person with experience confirm my suspicions.
Another thread that whistles with loneliness as the tumble weed blows by...I'm never sure why helpful people aren't thanked, but we can only try!
Whatever happens to these troubled folks?