SWF Needle Down


Can anyone help with this problem. My SWF is getting stuck with the needle down when it goes to trim. The reciprocater seems to be fine. I replaced the solenoid but that didn't seem to do anything with a new one, unless it just still isn't firing. I attached a pic. Any help would be amazing.

P.S. I recently replaced the X board as it blew, but seems to be working to come on and such.

First, that rotary hook is filthy.

Have you checked to see if the rod is bent? might take it out and check to see if its bent. Or check it to see if it's dirty. When I got my Brother BAS-416 it had been oiled with what looked like motor oil. It was crusty and dry along the needle bars. Some of them were pretty gummed up and sticky. Just a thought.


The jump motor (or solenoid) kicks the reciprocator at the end of the cycle which in turn brings the needle to the "up" position. Take it to the last needle on the left and cycle through. This will allow you to see if the motor/solenoid is actually working. If it is working it may just need adjusting. Let us know what you come up with.