By trik11 on
Feb. 19, 2016
Hi All, we have an error code we can not resolve, was wandering if someone new of a fix? On a SWF /C-UK 1502-45 two head machine, when powered on we get error code 707 Doc Broken.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!
Re: SWF Error 707 Doc Broken
Reinstall the software
Re: SWF Error 707 Doc Broken
Re: SWF Error 707 Doc Broken
Hello, would anyone know how to report the fix? Machine SWF / B-T1201C of a head, presentation 0 error code 707 Doc Broken.
Thank you
Re: SWF Error 707 Doc Broken
Flash Memory Not Found
Re: SWF Error 707 Doc Broken
What is the solution to this problem?
Re: SWF Error 707 Doc Broken
send me cpu model, there are two models or better a photo
Re: SWF Error 707 Doc Broken
Re: SWF Error 707 Doc Broken
verifica esto
Re: SWF Error 707 Doc Broken
Ok, should I replace a memory?