By vegas on
Aug. 06, 2011
I'm not certain whether I've changed something or not, but when my machine changes colors or senses a jump that should be usually automatically trimmed, I get a message on the bottom of my screen "trim and jump stop" but the machine doesn't trim and the wiper doesn't move.
If I go to the machine testing screen, both the wiper and the trimmer work.
If I request a manual trim, the manual trim functions correctly.
I'm also having issues with the upper thread sensor not detecting when thread has broken.
Could the two issues be related?
I opened the top (where the tensions and the thread sensor wheels are located) and the connection to the board seems fine.
Re: SWF/e- 601c issue: no auto trim
Go back to factory setting.(use manual). Check cable on the back of the machine.
Still problem on the software insert cutting order between each letter
and check. still problem You might be need replace joint board ( $150.00)
Re: SWF/e- 601c issue: no auto trim
When you mean go back to factory setting, do you mean restore the defaults or do you mean reinstall the OS entirely? I read in the manual that the OS contains the "LOCK" feature that will lock the system after 10 days if an unlock code is not entered after installing the OS...I didn't quite understand it completely, because it says there are two keys and one is for a short duration and one is for an indefinite time.
I think that the first problem to address is the thread break sensor...not acknowledging a thread break at all. The machine will continue to sew and sew and sew. I have cleaned the wheels and still no different. When you say check the cable on the back of the machine, do you mean the cable on the back of the power supply unit and when you say joint board, do you mean I/O board on the R.H. side of the bottom of the power supply unit?
Or do you mean another board?
Thanks for your help so far.
Re: SWF/e- 601c issue: no auto trim
I have 5 swf (4 compact single , 1 multi - 2000 , 2004 , 2005 Model)
I don't know which model you have.
In my experienced , you need restore the defaults setting.
Check cable means machine and control box cable.
Remove cable from machine( 3 cables) and re insert.
Joint board is located left inside of machine not contol box.
If you check 3 things (restore , cable , Joint board)
That's all you can do.
Still problem You can contact here ( They are really nice. No pay)
Don't contact MESA . They don't want to help you without
Good Luck..