By sraymer on
Feb. 10, 2015
Has anyone had any luck selling embroidery software? I am looking at a machine that is priced a little high for me but it has software that I do not need. Has anyone ever tried to sell embroidery software? This is tajima pulse creator. Is it legal to sell it?
Re: Selling wmbroidery software?
I would love to find software at a reasonable price... need to get my computer to talk with my old Toyota esp 850...I have old machine and old software.. with newer motherboard... any suggestions... anyone have communication software... that's not big $$
Re: Selling wmbroidery software?
It can depend upon conditions of the licence, but usually it's perfectly fine to sell software.
As to selling the software, the main problem is that the market is relatively small. Those who actually need such software are few and far between, fewer who can make use of it without official support or training and that is where the expense comes in!
Consequently, even though the original software can be very expensive, it can be difficult to sell at anything close to the proper price.
You may be fortunate, but I wouldn't want to give you false expectations.
Re: Selling wmbroidery software?
I believe you can sell it. You could check with Pulse to be certain. I agree, I think it will be hard to find a buyer who will pay what its worth.
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Re: Selling wmbroidery software?
I had the same question a few weeks ago and this is the answer I got from Hirsch:
a license is transferrable, the software will have to be updated to the most current version, DG15 and a transfer fee applies: a) update to DG15 from V12 at the Creator level is $1125.00 which can be discounted to $843.75 plus applicable shipping & handling and state sales tax. b) the transfer fee for Creator is $1250.00 in addition to the update cost
This brings the software up to today's version and enables you to take our live web training classes and have full software and networking support. Total of the update and transfer $2093.75 plus applicable shipping & handling and state sales tax.
Once the transfer has taken place the upgrade to Maestro from Creator is $6995.00 which can be discounted to $5246.25 plus applicable sales tax.
Re: Selling wmbroidery software?
I still do not understand why the prices are so high for our industry?
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Selling wmbroidery software?
If you think pricing is bad now wait until the software companies decide to go to cloud services like adobe.
Re: Selling wmbroidery software?
Ver15 Pulse has a cloud option on it I think.
Re: Selling wmbroidery software?
What is the machine brand and dealer?
Years ago one of my customer bought an Chinese machine with an Chinese
Tajima DG/ML by Pulse software.
I am sure is not legal to sel this kind of software.
Re: Selling wmbroidery software?
I was told software prices are high because the market isn't large. I think that's partly true but you're paying to get and stay in the industry. I'm using software that's over ten years old but I'll probably be forced to upgrade when I purchase my next computer.
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