By DEH on
Feb. 19, 2015
Have 2 Tajima TJET II 2 machines and trying to run of computer directly to machine. We use Melco designs hop software....Is this a possible option.
As well, it has a USB port but will not read a flash drive with dst files...Any ideas
Re: Tajima TEJT II
I am using Melco degign shop for 15 years and can only direct connect to AMAYA machine. NO other machine period.
I can save DST file on USB and can read my machines. (SWF)
Re: Tajima TEJT II
Try 1 or 2 GB flash drive and format fat 32
Re: Tajima TEJT II
Figured that... have an Amaya machine connected to designshop, but also have Tajima machines and wanted to connect direct. I have tried the falsh drive under 2 GB but wont read them. I have the floppy to usb, but it is old school now. Thank you
Re: Tajima TEJT II
You have the machine settings set to read USB, correct?
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