Embroidery Machine question please

I'd like to buy an embroidery machine that would allow me to upload a .eps image to it. Then, have the machine sew the image onto a polo shirt automatically.

Can you please recommend a low cost machine that would meet my needs/requirements?

Thank you.

If it existed and you owned it then your embroidery quality would be terrible !
Auto conversion digitizing software does NOT produce results I would want to sell.
If you want to do good work learn to digitize or hire a good one either one.
Just my opinion.

definitely doesn't exist. thank goodness, or i'd be out of a job! haha

your eps (or any graphics file/artwork) needs to be digitized. it requires special digitizing software, and a good know-how of how to digitize. first the design is brought into the artwork, then basically redrawn in stitches. kind of like cad drawing but there is more to it. you need to know what kinds of stitches to use where, what densities to use, understand how the machine will stitch it out so it can be stitched efficiently with correct pathing, etc. if you get an embroidery machine and would like a couple of designs to play with so you can kind of see what i'm talking about, i'd be happy to send you a few. dana@dixiedesigns.net

digitizing...since 1996. dixiedesigns.net

digidana wrote:
definitely doesn't exist. thank goodness, or i'd be out of a job! haha[/email]

i have heard wilcom is going to do something like this Dana, i mean software.....but that could not compete with manual digitizing

Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try

There is no such machine that will load an .eps file to it and sew the design. What you need is a software program that has this capability.

I can't recommend any program that does this - there are quite a few out there. You could look at Wilcom.