Here is the great way the folks over at POWER STITCH like to treat their clients.

Below I will paste the emails in order as sent and recieved, this is what I walked into this morning at work, like I have the time and stress level to deal with people like this.

Anyways yesterday I placed an order with them, we have done probably 30 or 40 orders with them in the last year. I as usual uploaded an EPS and paid for the design. Below is the email string

On Nov 15, 2012, at 12:18 AM, wrote:

attachment has 6 images. you have not provided enough info so we are cancelling this order and refunding your payment.

My Reply:

From: "Mike Pizzo"
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: tiezzi

What? Not enough info?

His reply:

On Nov 15, 2012, at 8:03 AM, wrote:

send us the logo u need not 6 different images!

My reply:

From: "Mike Pizzo"
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: tiezzi

I do not understand the eps I sent is correct on my end but I just attached as a PDF. Why do you have to make things so difficult and cancel the order instead of just asking for a new file? Not the best way to keep customers.

Then his reply:

On Nov 15, 2012, at 8:16 AM, wrote:

what you have attached now is nothing close to what you sent to us before.
I'm not here to do your homework for you. You waste my time so thats why I waste yours cos its your responsibility to ensure you provide clear instructions to us.

You don't have time to provide clear instructions and accusing us of making things difficult???

Do you still wish to proceed with this order or not. We don't mind if you wish to opt for another digitizer who will make life easier for you because thats not the way you should be talking to your digitizer so beware that we are not in a desperate situation to beg for your work.

My final reply:

Wow so your telling me never have you received a file that has been corrupted or just simply gone hay write upon export? And you call asking me for a better file doing my home work? I provided clear instructions, the file obviously went wrong on your end or on my end during export no big deal. Yes I most certainly will take our business some where else I do not wish to be talked to like this by what I would consider a vendor.

Interesting how he said he will not beg for our business, I do not read in my replies any where that I asked him to beg? This company has a very difficult online order process that i never liked since day one, several times orders would be placed and they would lose or forget to digitize them and blame us the customer. Does not matter, their quality is so so for the $15 but certainly not high quality.

very true...shame though that most of the USA products and services are still being imported....could you please explain why this could be?

Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo

BJ24 wrote:
Well, if that is how you regularly treat your customers, they may go for the price but they will come back to the US for customer service and quality. Case in point.

Just for your info, a good poster on this forum (an american) has started offering low cost digitizing for the US claims that all digitizing is done in the USA yet outsourcing to overseas digitizers like us.... yet you don't feel that you're cheating your fellow americans but hey who's complaining :D:D:D

Do you know where all Embroidme designs have been getting digitized for the past 4 years??? find that out and then you will understand where the US digitizing industry is heading....wish there were more like me to support your economy but shame there aren't :eek::eek:

Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo

minimalist's picture

powerstitch wrote:
very true...shame though that most of the USA products and services are still being imported....could you please explain why this could be?

The policy of subsidizing manufacturing in China by their own government led to many companies outsourcing due to over regulation by the US government. This led to increased profits which in turn increased the amount of things being made there. Now that we have come to terms that Chinese products are inferior in their construction and materials the manufacturing sector will seek other alternatives.

powerstitch wrote:
Just for your info, a good poster on this forum (an american) has started offering low cost digitizing for the US claims that all digitizing is done in the USA yet outsourcing to overseas digitizers like us.... yet you don't feel that you're cheating your fellow americans but hey who's complaining :D:D:D

Do you know where all Embroidme designs have been getting digitized for the past 4 years??? find that out and then you will understand where the US digitizing industry is heading....wish there were more like me to support your economy but shame there aren't :eek::eek:

Are you trying to justify your companies utter disrespect for your customers? Or are you implying that you will only deal with customers of really high quantities? If that is the case then maybe you should change your advertising to reflect that. Oh yea and trolling on here for customers is not going to get you any high quantity orders so maybe again you are on the wrong forum. Hell the way you make it sound you dont need to advertise anyways since things re so good for you, you should keep on crapping on your lower quantity customers so they move on from you and then you can sit back and enjoy your mighty success with embroidme.

I think it is a shame on how you treated inkman996 with such disrespect and then go on to continue on here with it. FYI: I am an american digitizer for the past 17 years and not once did I outsource to anyone. I actually had other digitizers from other countries wanting to outsource to me. So, your theory isn't across the board.

Robert Young's picture

I live in the Country of Texas.. so does that mean that American clients that use us are outsourcing?

This would have been a great opportunity for the digitizer to step up and amend some serious customer service mistakes and come out at least breaking even.. if not ahead if they played their cards right.

On the other hand it would have been nice if the customer had actually spoken to someone in the organization first to see if there was a weird disgruntled rep writing these emails before posting on a forum like this... but judging from the responses afterwards it would not have mattered so their posting would have happened anyway.

Modern Embroidery Designer

I along with BJ24 am an American through and through .....NEVER once have I outsourced any work ......I do it myself and only deal with me and only in the great state of Wisconsin and also have been doing this for going on 17 years......I just wanted to also make this clear......Thanks for your time. when I say made in America I mean Made in America.....

Brent Burghy

Robert Young's picture

powerstitch wrote:
Just for your info, a good poster on this forum (an american) has started offering low cost digitizing for the US claims that all digitizing is done in the USA yet outsourcing to overseas digitizers like us.... :

So which digitizer are you writing about?

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young's picture

Yeah, he says "has started offering" so I didn't think it anyone obvious on here. I have been digitizing for 23 years.. since the days of paper tapes and a Melco Digitrac... Volant is nearing it's 12th year anniversary and we don't sub out anything nor do we advertise.. at all. So just curious who is now advertising one thing but apparently doing something different.

inquiring minds want to know... lol

Modern Embroidery Designer

Same here. On another note, when I started in this business the company I worked for was at the tail end of paper tapes so I saw the people who worked there a long time use them but I never did. That must have been a huge change for you when people stopped using it.
I remember watching them edit the paper tapes and I would just shake my head, it looked so complicated.

poster has posted on this forum and is being very sly thats all I have to say....but its all good cos overseas digitizers are getting work. I dont need to point out the name do I Rob?

Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo

Robert judging by this last quote from him

I dont need to point out the name do I Rob?

He is implying you.

Robert Young's picture

yeah, I took that as a possibility, but even though we are one of the largest digitizing houses in the Country I know we don't sub any work out off shore so I am confident it is not us. Actually we have cut digitizers from our heyday of 2006 and several of them have started their own companies or had them already... So if I NEEDED to contract I would use them. But we have not needed any of their services so again, it is not us.

Besides he stated the digitizer in question was advertising and telling everyone that their work is all done in the US... we don't advertise other than our large scale stuff for interior designers and fashion designers... not the same market as the type of digitizing we discuss on this forum. And if I am not mistaken out of my 486 posts thus far.. NOT ONE was asking for digitizing work, so again I cant think it would seriously be us in his mind.

Modern Embroidery Designer

I agree Robert, seems either he is just trying to stir the pot for his own benefit or he is talking about someone less obvious on this forum than he implies.

Lux Inks's picture

inkman996 wrote:
Here is the great way the folks over at POWER STITCH like to treat their clients.

Below I will paste the emails in order as sent and recieved, this is what I walked into this morning at work, like I have the time and stress level to deal with people like this.

Anyways yesterday I placed an order with them, we have done probably 30 or 40 orders with them in the last year. I as usual uploaded an EPS and paid for the design. Below is the email string

On Nov 15, 2012, at 12:18 AM, wrote:

attachment has 6 images. you have not provided enough info so we are cancelling this order and refunding your payment.

My Reply:

From: "Mike Pizzo"
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: tiezzi

What? Not enough info?

His reply:

On Nov 15, 2012, at 8:03 AM, wrote:

send us the logo u need not 6 different images!

My reply:

From: "Mike Pizzo"
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: tiezzi

I do not understand the eps I sent is correct on my end but I just attached as a PDF. Why do you have to make things so difficult and cancel the order instead of just asking for a new file? Not the best way to keep customers.

Then his reply:

On Nov 15, 2012, at 8:16 AM, wrote:

what you have attached now is nothing close to what you sent to us before.
I'm not here to do your homework for you. You waste my time so thats why I waste yours cos its your responsibility to ensure you provide clear instructions to us.

You don't have time to provide clear instructions and accusing us of making things difficult???

Do you still wish to proceed with this order or not. We don't mind if you wish to opt for another digitizer who will make life easier for you because thats not the way you should be talking to your digitizer so beware that we are not in a desperate situation to beg for your work.

My final reply:

Wow so your telling me never have you received a file that has been corrupted or just simply gone hay write upon export? And you call asking me for a better file doing my home work? I provided clear instructions, the file obviously went wrong on your end or on my end during export no big deal. Yes I most certainly will take our business some where else I do not wish to be talked to like this by what I would consider a vendor.

Interesting how he said he will not beg for our business, I do not read in my replies any where that I asked him to beg? This company has a very difficult online order process that i never liked since day one, several times orders would be placed and they would lose or forget to digitize them and blame us the customer. Does not matter, their quality is so so for the $15 but certainly not high quality.

It amazes me when a company acts this ways towards customers. We use for our digitizing and have always had great success and their site is really simple.
Have a good day man.

924 Calle Negocio
Suite D
San Clemente Calif. 92673
(949) 200.2923

screen printing,t-shirt printing,custom shirt printing,contact screen printing,custom apparel printing,private label,water base,discharge,flock,puff,foil,burnout,garment finishing,fast turnaround,cheap t-shirt printing,great pricing,sublimation printing

Our customer service is outstanding and our quality is superb!

I just want to stress a point.

On this site and other sites with an abundance of over seas digitizers advertising for their work, above is an example of what you really get to deal with if you fall for the oh so cheap service.

Fortunately we use several digitizers, some for high end quality work that customers are willing to pay the higher set up fees, one we use strictly for appliqué set up, this woman is amazing at what she does and a couple for the bread and butter left chest logo set ups.

I also want to point out the disrespect and disregard for their customer. He states

I'm not here to do your homework for you. You waste my time so thats why I waste yours cos its your responsibility to ensure you provide clear instructions to us.
The thing is refunding an order is a major PITA because it has to be credited through our credit card, its not simple nor is it free. He decided in his wisdom to punish us by doing this when he knows damn well he simply needed to send me a quick email asking for a noon corrupted file.

would love to help you out.......please see my postings under DIGITIZING in good old U.S.A. ...........and I promise I would NEVER treat a client like that......and i have many that would testify to that.......take care....

Brent Burghy

Robert Young's picture

well , after having a nice breakfast and thinking about this.. maybe there is a "rogue" person over there? Is there some back history that made this person snap? just seems crazy without.

What I can say.. not knowing them.... at least they contribute to this forum on a pretty regular basis... unlike others who ONLY post if they are asking for work. Not sure if this matters to anyone reading this, but for some reason it does to me.

Modern Embroidery Designer

I looked in our records we did over 60 set ups with them since last november, not a huge amount but hey enough.

We had issues in the past with them not recieving our orders, but they always seem to recieve the payment. Their ordering system is horrible to be honest, you first have to go on their page and place the order which requires forms to fill out and files to upload. You then have to go to their payment page which is pay Pal and their you have to fill out the whole shebang including CC info, we do not use pay pal so we cannot save our info for quicker payments.

If they wish to be digitizing service that only has customers that never ever ever accidentally send a bad file or forget something then so be it. I wish them luck

I have no words for this client. You can see the client has been using us for a long time which says it all. Wonder why they used us with our so called crap ordering and payment system. No others clients of ours have complained about the same.

Yes we are not here to be told that we are making it more difficult for a client who doesn't even have time to check what file they are sending to us. I still stick by that because we don't do your dirty work for you.

We work with professional embroidery companies who know what they are doing and we also work with new companies who want advice and appreciate our work instead of accusing us of making it difficult.

Yes customers accidently send wrong files but sending bad files and still having a go at the digitizer is not something we will accept. Just like how you want to be respected as a customer I feel a supplier deserves the same respect back for the quality and workmanship that goes into your work. For those who don't believe in that are not my type of clients. Its all about team work and appreciating someones work doesn't make you low.

Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo

inkman996 wrote:
i just want to stress a point.

On this site and other sites with an abundance of over seas digitizers advertising for their work, above is an example of what you really get to deal with if you fall for the oh so cheap service.

Fortunately we use several digitizers, some for high end quality work that customers are willing to pay the higher set up fees, one we use strictly for appliqué set up, this woman is amazing at what she does and a couple for the bread and butter left chest logo set ups.

I also want to point out the disrespect and disregard for their customer. He states the thing is refunding an order is a major pita because it has to be credited through our credit card, its not simple nor is it free. He decided in his wisdom to punish us by doing this when he knows damn well he simply needed to send me a quick email asking for a noon corrupted file.

stick to your other digitizers!!! And for accusing overseas digitizers, you should look for an american digitizer instead!!

I dont sit on my computer all day dealing with clients clarifications because you are too busy to provide info in the first place. You are not the only client who we refund to so seems like you're picking on the small crap.

We are happy to loose you because all the sales you gave us was $60.00 a month!!! We'll use that time to get better clients than you who can spend an extra minute when placing their order. Its because of people like you that we have had to setup order forms.

Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo

Looking back at all your orders, most of them have been over 20000 stitches. Smart way of giving us the high stitchcount logos only to be done at a flat rate of $15.00 whereas your smaller designs go to the other digitizers.

Again I question myself why you still continued to give us your digitizing work??? Im sure you're not stupid and neither is anyone else on this forum!!

Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo

Robert Young's picture

WOW, so much for trying to offer up a polite way out for an obviously bad day or a rogue service rep.

As a digitizer I can understand the frustration sometimes... but after a good night's sleep reality tends to kick back in and an apology or even a lame excuse could have been better in this I see no silver lining at the moment for those at Powerstitch on this issue.

Modern Embroidery Designer

powerstitch wrote:
Looking back at all your orders, most of them have been over 20000 stitches. Smart way of giving us the high stitchcount logos only to be done at a flat rate of $15.00 whereas your smaller designs go to the other digitizers.

Again I question myself why you still continued to give us your digitizing work??? Im sure you're not stupid and neither is anyone else on this forum!!

Huh? Every single order we have sent you was a left chest. What does it matter the stitch count? I am not new on the block I know the software as well as you guys do and stitch count means nothing these days. Designs are now judged by their complexity. I just looked at our designs sent to you and very few are in the high complexity range. Most are typical left chest logos. And I fail to see a predominance of 20k+ logos.

You question why we would continue to send designs your way? That is because up till this A.M. we never had any serious issues with you folks, after this morning tho you can bet I will never send a new design your way. The fact that you or who ever it may have been had to cause us undue grief by crediting the paid for design which i am sure you are aware is a pain to deal with and reconcile on the card statements.

This also goes both ways if you ever had an issue with our orders then why would you continue to take our work? The file uploaded to your site yesterday is still a mystery to me, I am unable to explain why it corrupted upon transmit, in the old days vector files were better sent zipped to prevent corruption, maybe since you folks are so grumpy about an occasional bad file you should require all uploads to be zipped.

Robert Young's picture

well Inkman hope you are happy!?#S lol one negative post (well kinda) and it seems you have run off a member who actually gave some good info. dad gum it. It is a shame, we all make mistakes, have bad days and say and do things we ordinarily would not. BUT , I had really hoped this could have worked out differently. That and I still want to know who he was talking about.

Modern Embroidery Designer

Thats your fault your pricing is way to low for 20k stitches. Charge what it is worth and you will see it is worth doing. Not all of us can live off of 2.00 a day so we charge accordingly.

Robert Young's picture

Inkwerksspd wrote:
Thats your fault your pricing is way to low for 20k stitches. Charge what it is worth and you will see it is worth doing. Not all of us can live off of 2.00 a day so we charge accordingly.

sorry, what are you talking about?? :confused:

Modern Embroidery Designer

Whoa....what happened to customer service.:confused: Coming on here and slamming your own customer doesn't really look good. Saying that you are fine to lose him as a customer because he only does $60 worth of work with you is sad. Whether a customer of mine does a 500 stitch design or a 60,000 stitch design I treat them all with respect. Sometimes it is ok to eat humble pie. Not everyone is perfect and computers do make mistakes at times during the sending of files.
Just my 2 cents.

Well, if that is how you regularly treat your customers, they may go for the price but they will come back to the US for customer service and quality. Case in point.