By tlecroy on
Jul. 16, 2008
I am doing research now for a new embroidery machine for a new business. The market I want to target is sports teams. Mostly baseball! I would be doing bat bags, hats, coaches shirts and spiritwear to start off with. Any suggestions on a machine that could handle these items. I am in the Atlanta area.
Re: The Best Machine a new business
Hi, and welcome to the industry! Sounds like one team could keep a singlehead busy for a while, so maybe a 2 or 4 head is an option? If not, then I would recommend an industrial machine over a home sewing type .. just for durability. So my vote would go for an SWF or Tajima singlehead if you can. With one of the main deciding factors being how close the maintenance people are from either company to you. Being new one of the last things you want to happen is to get a nice order only to have your machine down for an unacceptable amount of time due to newbee "operator" error. Having technicians close by can help reduce one headache involved in a new venture. Save your aspirin for the many other issues you may face.. lol.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: The Best Machine a new business
I completely agree with Robert. I am only familiar with the tajima machines though (single and six head) To tell you the truth I would rather have a couple of single heads than a multi-head machine. Reason being is that on a multi, when one of the needles break or thread breaks or whatever, the entire machine stops and waits for you to fix it. Where as if you had several single heads the others keep moving along. Just my 1/2 a cents worth of an opinion.