TAJIMA TMFN - problem with memory

I have some problem with TAJIMA TMFN memory - all patterns have been removed, it is impossible to upload new ones and such errors appear:

This is an error that occurs when trying to write the pattern

And this error occurs immediately after the machine is started:

Embroidery machine started to behave strangely - the cursor that indicates the current position during embroidery appeared completely out of any meaningful field - it was somewhere on the side, just like in the picture (The cursor is located above the "OF"):

or some empty patterns that were not "installed" are displayed - there are some empty patterns, completely pointless - sometimes I can't remove these empty patterns, they multiply somehow strangely and then remove them myself:

and when the machine is restarted, everything is removed - there are no patterns and this 3D5 error is displayed all the time anyway

Finally, I tried to fix these errors - according to the instructions for this machine:

  • 3D5 - A ROM data check sum is abnormal - Execute system installation. If trouble still remains, change the panel 7D2 card
  • 2B9 - Memory write error - Check the CPU74 card or Panel 7D2 card. Replace if necessary

According to the manual, I first tried to reinstall the whole system - I installed the whole system from scratch and unfortunately, the problem still appears.

Problem appeared suddenly and I don't quite know if it could have been caused - I also don't know how to "restart" such an embroiderer.

I am also sending a picture of this 7D2 Panel. It looks like this and nothing has been changed/improved since I purchased this machine - the whole panel was locked in the housing:

The only thing I noticed is that the fourth pin from the left side is bent - the others are straight:

it is possible that it has some impact? Although no one has done anything about it, it has probably been like that since I bought this machine.

If necessary, I can send any diagrams or photos. Thanks for help and any suggestions.