Needle unthreads on trim

I have a 15 color SWF machine, bought it used, and I'm just learning how to use it.

Everytime there is a trim operation, the thread "springs" back up through the needle, and through a couple of thread guides. I'm doing I-tests now, and my tensions are looking good. Am I missing something here. It's getting tiresome rethreading after every trim opp.

This happens on nearly every needle. However, needle 2 for some reason appears to get clamped some sort of mechanism behind the needle bar. I wish they all worked like needle 2.


PS- Any other Seattle area SWF users out there?

First check to see if it goes in during the trim cycle. If it does, then make sure that the fork isn't bent and check your picker adjustment. The little fork is in front of the hook area/bobbin case. The picker (fork) should be level at the top and it should not be contacting anything when it goes all the way it.

Its there to let the thread wrap around it without making a stitch so the knife (under the needle plate) cuts, the tail length is controlled by the height of the fork (the lower the fork, the longer the tail).

I re read that and it sounds more confusing than it is. Basically, just make sure its not bent and its operating properly - if so, just lower the height adjustment without changing its angle (unless the angle is too far out and not allowing the thread to wrap around it.

Good luck

Nick Mattina
636 724 6400

SkyLinePrints's picture

Thanks Nick! I've been wondering how to get a longer tail. I'll check that out!

hope things are well with you.

Have a great day! :)

Nathan Harrison
Skyline Prints Embroidery and Screen Printing
4982 Bill Gardner Pkwy
Locust Grove, GA 30248
(770) 914-1558
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great to see you too - hope all is well, i sent you an email earlier - I hope I didn't get spammed.

Good luck - if its not the picker height then you can also try the control panel parameters for TRIM MODE (should be set on 3 but can be increased for longer tails).

Let me know if I can help

Nick Mattina
636 724 6400

Hey there, Caught your message.

I feel your pain, and trying to get support out of SWF is like smashing your head against a wall. If you bought a used one, then you might not have SWF support available to you.

What you are experiencing is referred to as a thread "pull out" I used to own a bunch of SWF's. I have found over my years that this is a VERY common problem with them. Typically speaking SWF i've found likes to run tight, the optimal tensions are usually tighter than most machines. But if your H tests look good, then it shouldn't be a huge issue.

Which 15 needle do you have? Is it the one with the color LCD display or the one with the LED?

Some things to check:
Check the picker. Its that little fork looking thing in front of the bobbin? Is it bent? It should be straight and even. If it is not. Adjust it so it is with the screws on the side and make sure it just barely clears the guide screws on the side.

Increase your tail length, if you have the LCD it is under picker off timing, the LED it should be under Paramters (I believe, don't really remember that one)

Make sure its CLEAN, take off the needle plate and make sure there is no excess bobbin fibers, thread pieces etc, if so, you could be interfereing with the cutter.

There could be numerous other things.
Go to and click on general FAQ's. I believe they have a PDF you can download / print with all the steps that could be causing this.

Hope this helps.
Any other questions just let me know.
-- Eric :-)

Thanks Eric.

I haven't gotten around to checking the picker(s) yet. Slow going, getting started. Learning lots quickly.

I have the 1506 Dual function with the dual touch screen panels. 6 heads, 15 needles each. Hat adapters, the works. Using DecoStudio e1.5 for digitizing.

Actually, SWF support has been fantastic for me. Even though I bought my machine used. If/when I buy another machine, I will check out their offerings first because the support has been soooo great. (non-paid endorsement, celebrity voice impersonated). But, really SWF-Mesa has been great. I've also received advice from SWF-East, and (operated out of Korea). Between SWF and DigitSmith, I'm going from newbie to functional in a short time.


whidbey88 wrote:
Thanks Eric.

I haven't gotten around to checking the picker(s) yet. Slow going, getting started. Learning lots quickly.

I have the 1506 Dual function with the dual touch screen panels. 6 heads, 15 needles each. Hat adapters, the works. Using DecoStudio e1.5 for digitizing.

Actually, SWF support has been fantastic for me. Even though I bought my machine used. If/when I buy another machine, I will check out their offerings first because the support has been soooo great. (non-paid endorsement, celebrity voice impersonated). But, really SWF-Mesa has been great. I've also received advice from SWF-East, and (operated out of Korea). Between SWF and DigitSmith, I'm going from newbie to functional in a short time.


WOW ... nice machine. I'm glad you are having good luck / support with SWF, perhaps Mesa is better than east. Unfortunately I have had a VERY BAD experience with their support, Truth be told, I almost had to take them to court. Hence why I am now a Barudan customer, but I suppose thats what makes the world go round, and to each their own.

Good luck just the same and let me know how things go.

-- Eric