Not many answers

Not knocking this discussion board, but just noticed there are allot of people view the post but not many replies, like less that 1% replies. Some day maybe i can answer someones question, If I can I will. Testing 123

United States
Robert Young's picture

I kinda hear what you are saying... but looking at your questions here the last time you did not get a response was in March of 2015! If you have not used the site in 4 years then I am not understanding your concern? I think you got a couple of great responses on this current question, no?
Many times questions are asked that just simply do not make sense. (not yours but in general) And often times people (especially me) do not have an answer, we do not know, have never experienced it and would not know who to ask. Please do not think it is a slight. We do not know what we do not know... but keep asking the questions so we ALL can learn when someone does have the answer. thanks.

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