Odd Embroidery Machine Question?!

Hi all,

I have an odd embroidery question. I plan on taking my SWF compact on the road with me to some festivals and trade shows, and I have a few problems / qestions.

Problem #1) The machine doesn't fit in my truck, at least not on the stand.

Problem #2) I will probably be alone, and the stand for my machine is exactly the width of the feet, its difficult to wrestle the machine onto the stand with 2 of us, just about impossible alone.

Now, the machine will fit in my truck on the stand if I were to lay the machine down. Do you think I will cause damage to my machine if I lay it down on its back??? I will obviously secure it, and pad it well to deter shifting and jostling, and seperate the control boxes from the machine. I'm sure the machine will leak oil from being transported in an unnatural manner, but I can always re-oil. I would have the machine righted & re-leveled for several hours before I were to use it again.

Otherwise do any of you have other suggestions as to how I would transport the machine alone and then get it back up on some sort of stand. I was thinking I could always build or buy a differnt stand that might be easier, but it is still the task of getting the 170lb machine onto it.

Any ideas?
Thanks everyone!

-- Eric