opinian on a used machine

Hello everyone ,
I have been looking to start something small at the local mall and i think I `ve found a machine .
machine is Capital Automation EM1-14b
comes with pretty much everything to start let`s say under 3k

what you guys think .
thank you in advance

Looked on internet and cannot find any source for parts or service! It's your $$ glad its not mine! Seriously, be very careful and prudent, wait and I'm sure something better will come along. I would even go for a home machine first.:(

yeah I looked online for hours as well . Only thing comes up is someone selling them on alibaba.com . A international trading site . price is $15000 .
I dont think I will even bother going to look at it . She also told me that it need to be set up before using by a tech ???
Anyway there is a emc6 black head somewhat local that i will be looking at this monday .
Can anyone give me some pointers on what to look for while inspecting the machine .
machines hasnt been used in a couple of years . comes with software , hoops and cap attachment . for under $1500

It is one of those China machines, stay away from them the life span on them are not long, you will have nothing but problems. Go with the major brands, Melco, Braudan, Toyota. Myself I am going for the Melco Amaya XT on Tuesday. I have been looking for 6 months. I am going Brand new, but I am located in Costa Rica and not much choice if I want Tech support which is very important. But lots of better used machines out there then this machine. Hope this helps. Sandy in Costa Rica