By NavyMomX2 on
Feb. 22, 2009
Hi everyone,
I was in the Emb. business for many years - years ago - and am looking to get back in on a much smaller basis. Looking for suppliers. Can anyone tell me where to get cut-a-way, light and medium weight Pellon (or equiv.)?
Thanks so much.
Re: Pellon
I've been looking for a while, there so much money for something so simple like a test square/pellon !
I worked for a company called Pocono Mtn Screen Supply
Out of all the pellons ive worked on theres held up the best during flashing and nontearing when taking off your pallets.
hope that helped!
Re: Pellon
Morning & thanks for your info. I just visited the site though, and it looks as if they no longer carry pellon.
Thanks for trying though, I appreciate it. Have a great week.
Re: Pellon
They do I just went to the site
1. Go to site
2. Click products at the top
3. Go under "T" and click Test Print Materials it should be the second product on the screen.
Re: Pellon
THANKS so much!!!!!!!!
Re: Pellon
Any time!
I'm actually stopping by there today to pick some up for myself
Take care!