Please help


My mom and I currently own a small boutique. We sell handbags, duffles, luggage, etc. We have been using a lady in our town who owns a small shop to do all of our embroidery. Turnaround time has been getting longer and longer. She does an excellent job, but does not produce within the time frame promised. We then, look like liars to our clients.

We have visited JoAnn's and looked at their machines, but I just don't know if they can handle duffles and large totes. I'm really not sure if we are ready for a commercial machine or not. But, I don't want to spend money on the smaller machine and it not do what we need it to do. Can anyone provide any insight or advice?

Thanks in advance

Does anyone have any advice? I see that people have viewed but no replies. Please help

I would suggest you go to They will have a list of the trade shows coming up that might be in your area. This way you can compare what Jo Anns has verses a commercial machine and see demonstrations. There are many sights on line where you can buy used also. I personally would go commercial. Also for bags you would need a drop down table so the bag can go on easily. Also you need to figure out how much time one or both of you are willing to devote to the added service you will be providing. If you have a very busy store you might need to do the work after hours. Email me if you like and I will be glad to share some web sights you might find helpful. Don't forget the cost of thread also. You will need to get threads from maderia or a similar company, and if you offer different colors it could be expensive when starting out. Also you will need to buy backing and other supplies.

Thanks so much for the reply. I have emailed you with a few questions.