Pretty Quiet in Here Today

srimonogramming's picture

How's everyone doing on the glorious hump day? I've got a few exciting things going on today. Got the triloc setup this morning and will be testing it out right after lunch. I'm gonna be teaching my screen guy how to use it and also letting him do some printing on the manual today. He's been on my *** about teaching him how to print and we have a light load today while we wait for a few art approvals for some big jobs tomorrow and Friday. I've got a big discharge/plastisol print to do on Friday for a local business that does a huge crawfish boil every spring.

What's everyone else doing today? There's no drama around here today, WTF? It's pretty nice and allows more work to be done.

United States

Just another day for us, some decent printing happening but over whelmed with embroidery.

Hey Alan how about a vid of that thing we talked about?

I just realized the above question will probably be thought as collusion by a certain someone, oh well shrug

Binkspot's picture

Slow day here, just printed a few hundred boxes and bags for us. Also waiting for some artwork approvals, reclaiming screens, trying some new stuff I made. UPS just showed up with some shirts to print but that should be a quick one.

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

Finishing up a 3000 pc job and got a 2000 pc job after that. Plus 4 small jobs to throw in the mix.

Trying to get caught up...seems like everything fights you sometimes!
We are signing the papers for our new location on Fri., cant wait to get in there and start getting it ready!

Chad Sherman
Pro Ink Screen Printing
(877) 551-0852

Standard day here. Day crew is running both machines, driver is out picking up and delivering, artist is doing seps and i'm on and off the phone with my customers who are at MAGIC in vegas trying to prep for the influx of orders.

Down the coastlines with the winds we reign. Men of the north we leave the shores in flames.

Every day is glorious to hump on, I would any day of the week? Snowed down under with staff off with the flu. Because there is a recession on and all I am trying to convince some out of work printers to set-up their own labour business. I have been ringing other shop owners and have an easy dozen on-board who would also pay a premium to get GOOD temps in to cover bubbles in workload or when staff are off sick or holiday leave. I think I got one guy convinced to do this who is technically proficient, so it will be interesting, and helpful in terms of labour management. We are having our wettest, coldest summer ever, so not the best tee shirt year weather wise either. Great for the cows and milk production.

srimonogramming's picture

It's so strange to hear you say "wettest, coldest SUMMER ever". We had some snow on Sunday, it didn't stick though. It was the first and probably the only time that I had a golf club in my hands while it was snowing.

Normal summer maybe lows of 10 degrees Celsius at night and highs of around 38Celsius. And you would expect maybe 7-10 days of sunshine between 2-3 days of showers. I swear it rained every day and most of the big summer events have been drowned, music festivals a foot deep in mud! It makes it muggy, yet cooler in the factory. We are largely an agricultural economy exporting milk, meat, wool, trees, food commodities so to an extent you look at the rain and think "well, it's better than living in Greece"......

Evo's picture

Finalizing a tour of Europe in May, working on an itinerary/expense sheet for that. Holy hell tour buses are EXPENSIVE. It would be cheaper to do the whole thing on horseback and fly home with the horses.

Also discussing equipment needs for the new studio with various members of my bands. Consensus: we can go broke and stay broke forever just buying microphones.

Also trying to figure out how to squeeze a two-car garage amount of screen printing gear and other junk into a one car garage...

Evo... what kind of mics are you looking at?

Ever looked at building your own ribbon mics?

I'm a big fan of 414's on guitars (with the obligatory 57 on it as well)... TLM 103's are beautiful as well and you got to have a U87 while you are at it. :)

But honestly there are a lot of very nice mics out there for pretty cheap... the MXL stuff, Shure has that K series that is pretty sweet. But yes, you can go broke with all those beautiful mics... then you got to get some phat pre-amps for those things. ;)

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Evo's picture

Gilligan wrote:
Evo... what kind of mics are you looking at?

I'm leaving it to the band's keyboard player, who is also the resident sound engineer. I have yet to dive into it, I geek out on 1000 other things.

Gilligan wrote:
Ever looked at building your own ribbon mics?

I got enough to do!

Gilligan wrote:
I'm a big fan of 414's on guitars (with the obligatory 57 on it as well)... TLM 103's are beautiful as well and you got to have a U87 while you are at it. :)

But honestly there are a lot of very nice mics out there for pretty cheap... the MXL stuff, Shure has that K series that is pretty sweet. But yes, you can go broke with all those beautiful mics... then you got to get some phat pre-amps for those things. ;)

The big thing is lining up the pre-amps so we have enough nice inputs to match the setup, then we get gucci on the mics. We have a smallish 32 channel board, an Otari 24 track deck and a Protools setup. It'll be a hybrid thing, tape or digital or both, depending on the session.


Check out my buddy's band (yeah, it's myspace but it's lightweight)

They recorded the entire album with 8 track 1/4" reel to reel. It never touched digital until it was "mastered" down to DAT? (I can't remember if it went straight to DAT or if they dumped it into the PC, but I think DAT)... That was the only AD conversion and only because it had to be. LOL If they could have mastered it straight to vinyl they would have! LOL

Sounds pretty amazing considering the limitations.

They are all geeked up because they picked up a 16 track 1/2" machine recently... I guess we will get a new album in a year or so!

These guys are all self taught and recorded it out their bass players' home studio. Well, the drummer went to college for drums... but hey, he's just the drummer right. ;) j/k

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Evo's picture

Gilligan wrote:

Sounds pretty amazing considering the limitations.

They are all geeked up because they picked up a 16 track 1/2" machine recently... I guess we will get a new album in a year or so!

The limitations are only perceived, not actual.

Not long ago analog tape was state of the art and many people forget just how amazing it actually sounds. Professional digital recording has been trying to capture that magic for years.

The only real thing digital did for recording was to expedite the process and make it more accessible. Demo studios are easier than ever to put together.

Tape machines in the hands of professionals are still amazing tools. Irreplaceable really. My band has done every single album to analog tape. We just make sure to get the right engineer to drive the right machine.

Screen Printer's picture

cnasherman wrote:
So, what's the story....where did he go?

Any updates on the visit from the Poland guys?

Looks to me like you miss him


You guys are just like women....

you can't live with him and can't live without him. LOL

Looks like the unknown is what hurts the most.

Just messin whitcha!...........hehehehe

cnasherman wrote:
So, what's the story....where did he go?

Any updates on the visit from the Poland guys?

Who cares where Barney is....I hope he takes up another profession.
However, I would like to know how the progress on the Andrew visit is going.

pushing ink wrote:

I hear there is some talk about Mustang problems that are going to surface in about a week.


What is wrong and with all presses or just one. Can you elaborate? With RPM as well? Ted is your press insured for being hit by an asteroid next week? Someone might have been on the turps and rung the psychic hotline again. Madame Astrids crystal ball has seen a machine, printing shirts and a stallion, it was blue, and a thunderbolt, no, an asteroid, hmmmmm, in about a weeks time when the planets align....:rolleyes: