price of a babylock bmp6

I have a used babylock bmp6 with everything and the master works program what price should i be asking ? I have it listed on craigslist for 5,800 for everything its three yrs old barely used and been sitting for a year after being serviced . Am I asking to much the last lady said 4,000 then 3,000 i paid over 12,000 for everything can someone give me some advice here thanks

I've bought a few bablocks / brothers off here and craigslist, for a 3 year old machine, $5,800 is a tad high. I picked up my last one for $4,500. I've bought them as cheap as $3k but that was with some mechanical issues. If yours is in good condition the $4k to $5k range is not outrageous. $3k is cheap for a machine in good condition, but its not unheard of.

No, actually ... I never needed any of the software. So that could be somehwat of a selling point. I'm selling off mine too, I have 5 of them, from EMP6 to BMP8, I am trading them in one at a time for commercial machines. They are great machines though aren't they?