
I have a logo that a customer wants done on the back of hoodies. he wants it in a 9x9 size. he is ordering 50 of these for a start, and is supplying the garments. the digitizing has been quoted at approximately 144.00, its a two color job with about 63800 stitches, what should I charge for this? here is a copy of the artwork. I need to know immediately. I don't want or need digitizing offers. I just want to know what would be a reasonable price. If I get the order, it will be a continuing order.

Tony from Twin Dragon Embroidery

p.s. I just got another quote for $50.00 for the digitizing. Same stitch count though

United States

If this were my job I would use applique, but I also have available an Ioline cutter. Cuts down on stitch count significantly and looks very polished when finished. Take "1965's" advice for what it's worth though, but he or she is a digitizer looking for more business! I did a similar job to this one for a high school and used a football, a cougar, and upper and lower lettering all in applique and it turned out superb! I did it it for $8.50 per hoodie.

Single or multi head? How fast can you run the machine on this design? One time customer or one you have been doing work for? Remember you will do a bobbin change mid way thru. Dependeing on the design we average 48K stitches on a bobbin. How difficult is it to hoop. Not that it matters because of the time between garments. Lots of variables in my mind. Sorry

Sew Fine Designs

ok, little out of the topic (but essential view of mine) is that:
1. these 144 usd probably coming from a company that pretend to be very "strict", very "professional" and the only one that can "exactly" estimate. All we know that this must be 140 or 150 instead of 144. But it sounds realy strict :) job.
2. these 63 800 stitche's "estimate" is just so funny :)). Hope anyone here realize that details can be filled with different LENGHT of a stich, and different UNDERLAY as well..
So guys, take these samples of mine (all 4 of them + the 5-th one) and think over my words.
All these I have been produced for last 15 mins (by autotrace of the bitmap) with only one reason. The reason is that I want all of you (that have no idea about) be little more informed of PRICING matter related to the STITCH COUNT of a design.
These samples have different: LENGHT of stitching, density and underlay. They have the following stith count:
1. 36 920
2. 34 050
3. 29 400
4. 25 800
Even I didnt digitize the whole lettering, ( as this is not I want to do for no money :), I had to digitize just one of the letters - this is "A" letter which has ... 200 stitches.
Lets calculate how the whole lettering will have to be. 43 symbols x 200 is exactly ..:
5. 8 600
So next step is calculating the whole design stitches in my 4 cases from up there
Let me do for you:
1. approximately 45 000
2. approximatley 42 500
3. approximately 38 000
4. approximately 34 500
Can someone see the difference of all these numbers with the "estimation" of 63 800 ???

Please mention that this what I did here for all of you is for 20 minutes of digitizing and for making little more clear the MATTER OF STITCHING regarded to MATTER OF PRICING.
It includes both service:
digitizing service AND embroidery service.

Hope my post was in help to dubiat and all embroiderers like him(her) and also to my colegues :) - these thousands of digitizers round the world that nothing understand of stitch estimation process :))

Big designs like this 24cm (9 inch) design, with such big filled areas can be done very good for relative amount of money in both (digitizing and embroidering) service, but never could be "estimated" so strict way as "144 usd" of "63 800 sts". If someone needs this be 70 000 sts, i can remake it in just 10 sec. with seting more dense or smaller tatami stitching. If this same one want the design be 20 000 sts, then I am doing less density setting or bigger (let say 6mm) tatami stitching lenght.
So what to do in such cases?
Ask professionals what to do.

I pretend to be one of these that "know-how". Do you think the same? :))
whith regards!

My contract (customer supplied garment) price for this job would be $12.80 per piece

63,800st rounded to the nearest K = 64,000 stitches.

64(k) x .20 cents = $12.80 for traditional embroidery.

However, I agree with jt applique would look sweet. This is a very clear concise design, but, its all in what the customer wants.

Hope that helped.

I can only say that digitizing price which is 144 usd is too high and i do even bigger designs in 10 usd per design

Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try