Let's see, set up a 7 color of 1000 shirts head 10 quit working, called my salesman Robert Barnes no answer. Had to call Brian and he spent a while on the phone with one of my guys, for FREE. We weren't able to get it up and running. For christ sakes this is a NEW press. I think before anyone buys a press you need to know a few things.
1. If the person selling you the press is reputable and stands behind the product.
2. Technical support is available and you will get up and running, I know with Phil at workhorse we never had this problem, and any problems we had we answered asap and fixed. NOTE: we never bought any press from workhorse and they STILL helped us.
3. Make sure PARTS are available in the USA.
4. Make sure they have installers and techs to help you! What good is a warranty if they don't take your call and fix your s h i t.
I will report what happens and how soon it gets resolved.
If my press issues are not addressed and my other press arrives, we will be FORCED to go to court, Also we will be buying other machines. This will be updated here on a daily basis.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
I can testify that Rich Hoffman is on top of every post on every board concerning a problem with M&R equipment and he will personally address the issue with either a follow up post, a private message or a phone call. Hands down the best in the business.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Like you told me that You are not Printex usa, so why do you or would you have to pay me my money back, they would RIGHT hmm!! When I was asking for a 150,000 back, that was for printex not you..... so where would you get BLACKMAIL at. You asked me what I wanted to be done with my machines and contract and I said I would like to have them removed and get my money back.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
The sad part here is, is that apparently Printex thinks they can create a contract at a price for a press or set of presses, then change their mind after filling 2/3rds of the contract and ask for MORE money. If they don't get it, they will just hold your press until they do. That's what I take from this.
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
I think there are some missing steps in this theory. IMO I think that Robert knew that the price was to low and thought that he could sell the trade in equipment to make up the difference. Thinking he had time before Jeff wanted to take delivery of the machine. Poland tells him the press isnt moving until they get their $$$ and maybe a couple of GFY's!
He bet the house and he lost!
IMO this is Roberts deal making not Poland. They have a set price and they have to stick to it.
If memory serves me, he made a bad deal with the freight on Inkman's press.
Looks like he doesn't doesn't learn.
So the issue is IMO with Roberts dealings not with Poland.
-You Think it - We Print it -
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Oh I agree its likely from him... However HE is the only contact Printex Customers have, so if they cant talk to Poland, and Robert wont make it right....then I guess we can blame Poland as well. If they dont want to be blamed, picks someone to represent them right......
Wouldn't you agree?
Let me say it another way. If you hire a employee, they make a mistake, guess what, the customers sees, your business made the mistake.
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Sorry Brian, I know you want to salvage this and I want the best for you but this is the bed that Poland made when they made it with Barnes. I know you hate it as much as anyone.
But when they ignore people like Inkman's pleas to have someone else deal with them and just forward those calls back to "peggy" (Capital One commercial) it looks bad on them.
I have a VERY "flamboyant" "employee" and drama follows him like crazy. I recently put him as a "property manager" for one of my rental units. But I am CONSTANTLY on him that he has to act professional. Because in the end, I am the "boss" and in the end what he does reflects on ME. If my tenants get upset with him then the best I can do is save face by firing him... but in reality the damage may already be done and it may be too little too late.
As of right now, no one is firing anyone to "save face". Just because the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing that doesn't mean it's not their fault.
To this day no one from Poland has come on these forums to denounce what Robert has done.
If you don't condemn it then you silence condones it.
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Don't be sorry, the truth is the truth, bottom line.
Your right they did make their bed and yes they have to sleep in it but I think there is more to this. There is a lot of finger pointing and much to consider.
I honestly think they were led astray on many of the issues.They did not fully understand the cause and effects of the discussions going on here and the other boards. Robert has been advising them what it all meant, only getting one side of the story. Poland is a bunch of engineers building machines half way around the world, not salesmen. They were relying completely on what they were being told. By no means am I making excuses for them but I do think they were misguided.
I don't know the intimate details of these transactions but feel some of the deals were made on unrealistic numbers just to keep another mfg out and close the deal. Then hoping Printex would bend a little on the price to makeup the differences. Or the loss could be made up on the next sale.
Owner/Operator of Middletownink
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Agreed.... but at some point when you realize a monkey could have sold more presses, you have to ask yourself...whats going on in the USA.
Turn a blind eye, get a blind result.
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Yes I totally agree with you.
It all has to do with the contract that he had them sign. According to the contract they could not communicate with any end users over here without Robert. They had to forward all communications directly to Robert.
The relationship between Poland and Robert turned pretty ugly when issues started to surface. And that's when the finger pointing started. IMO Robert knew he could accuse Poland of not taking his calls or returning an email because no one would be able to dispute it with out his knowledge of it. If you went straight to Poland they hit forward.
Like Brian said I don't excuse any of them for their actions. They made a REALLY poor business move. They know that. Now it's trying to get away from it.
IMO they were ginormaously misguided. Robert knew he was going to promote in such away, and neglected to communicate that to them. IMO. I don't believe that Digitsmith was very popular over in Poland about 2 years ago!! I think it may have a small following now!!! IMO
-You Think it - We Print it -
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
I fully believe Robert used printex and there money for his own personal agenda. He wanted to dump machines dirt cheap on the market here not to boost and promote printex but to grind his axe with MnR. I don't he ever had any intention of making printex into something succesful and the proof of that is now only promotes mustang and,probably blue dragons down the road, how could that possibly sit well with Poland?
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Agree about the grinding the ax.
I believe he had good intentions to start with other then grinding an ax but to enter the market with a viable machine that may or may not be ready. But I think the baggage he carries is too much and hindered the progression and sales of the product. Again not pointing fingers but both sides need to step up and refine the product and sales. I do not think either side fulfilled the others goals, upheld the deal that was struck between them.
Owner/Operator of Middletownink
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Do you know if you can buy a Mustang from someone other than RWB?
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Yes, it's called a RPM.
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Its called a RPM.
I'm sure as there are more and more satisfied Mustang owners there will be dealers coat to coast:rolleyes:
Owner/Operator of Middletownink
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
The RPM name is better I think, Mustang is kind of a weak name IMO, sounds like a knockoff wannabe kind of name, something someone thought up one weekend while watching old WWII documentaries. Of course the machines are identical so the name is irrelevant. I like blue better than beige/tan/khaki, but hey that's just me.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
12 colors Prism or 12 colors Spectrum for 50k?
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
With the 20k more for my 16 color. Yep !!
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
I understand they are asking 20k more for your 16 color Prism. But what 12 color press they are offering for 50k? Prism or Spectrum?
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Printex Poland does not own printex USA? Wtf talk about a rabbit hole now, didn't,t Robert state on here that Poland owns both? When is Andrew coming Jeff he might be stopping by my place as well.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Let me see if I can sum up this thead.
Everyone that has something to do with you know who is either missing something, ****** off at him, he is ****** off at them, or defending themselves about what might happen in the future.
But the people with other presses are LOLin' and have perfectly working presses and happy with their sales process.
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
What did Jeff order two ten colors and a 16?
If so he is minus, 16 heads, plus 2 heads, out of 36 total.
That is %50 loss of capacity Youch!
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Jeff, when will your presses be fixed?
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Rober won't take service calls anymore!
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
I figured you could pull the parts out of the spare parts kit (sorry couldn't help myself).
I found one spare head board in my stash that will work on your machine. I'll drop it in the mail for you.
Asking price is $30,000:D
Owner/Operator of Middletownink
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
New distibutor pricing in now in effect I see.