Printex dead in the water need help!!!!!!

We have had an issue with our Printex activating a safety bar broken error that originally was intermittent now I cannot do a single thing on the machine with out the error. There is no safety bars open i HAVE OPENED AND RECLOSED THEM OVER AND OVER WITH NO LUCK AS SOON as you try to do something the error returns leaving us dead. If I have to I will bypass all the safety components we need to be running, the system seems to be similar to many other machines so hopefully someone has an idea of what is going on. My hope is that its a simple loose wire some where but I doubt I will be that lucky.

Ofcourse that FAT ******* pumped up this machine on how awesome and easy it is to diagnose, well if that was true then the machine would at the least tell me which safety bar is activating, but nope not so easy.

GreenSpace wrote:
You got to hand it to M&R in that even if their equipment fails more often, they are available to sell you plenty of parts to fix it, kudos to M&R

Barnes... How many printex's did you sell (I said, sell not service, we all know that number is ZERO).

How many have had problems? You got to be pushing on close to 100% of them.

So HOW do you figure that M&R has a high fail rate when your crap is destined to fail... IF you even get it!

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

GreenSpace wrote:
We all heard your 80k story ... please tell us about the "major problems!!" the Mustang Printers have (this ought to be entertaining) :rolleyes:

The "major problems!!" the Mustang Printers have is that they are associated with Robert Barnes. :eek:

GreenSpace wrote:
Your Main Safety Relay failed and had nothing to do with the actual Safety Bars and you are still complaining STFU already we get it (you should be on M&R's payrol)

BTW ... shouldn't have been more than 1 minute to determine the Relay had failed ... Why did you remove all the head panels ... Maybe the display should have read (an ID10T error)

Read carefully future customers of Robert Barnes because i am going to explain in better detail the issue and after you read Roberts post above you decide if you wish to be treated like this.

OK for the simple folks when my error was happening it is intermittent in other words when the relay tripped it only did so for a nano second so the green led light always comes back on, in other words there is no way to diagnose a bad relay in two seconds like robert says, idiot I am not nor is Brian.

Robert if the engineers programmed the heads to tell the control panel what head the safety beam error came from then life would be easier because if it did not list a head then common sense tells you it has to be the main relay, wow a two second diagnosis.

Turns out the issue is not resolved, it is happeneing again and I am by passing the relay to keep the circuit fully open dangerous but hey we have to print. We have to track down a replacement relay and hope that is all it is and nothing more serious, course I dont see Robert offering to send a replacement relay lol.

My real concern right now is the potential for brewaking the indexer fork because everytime the false error occurs it slams the machine to a stop, knowing Printex's index fork failure rate well I am sures is taking a beating.

GreenSpace wrote:
Why are all the M&R spokesman (paid or compensated) always there to attack the competition ... why would the CEO of M&R be on these forums sooooo concerned about the Mustang ... makes people want to find out what M&R is so concerned about ...

Here is the really funny thing I started this thread and not once mentioned M&R but guess who is the first to mention M&R hmmmmm would that be Robert lol. Seems it is Robert that wants M&R mentioned anytime his failures are brought to light wonder why?


The Bumper's picture

Yeah Robert Barnes want to give M&R a bj so bad, but he's not allowed and it just KILLS him! haha

Call any or all three people below to see how Robert Barnes took money from them without delivering equipment!
Leon Monfort (760)802-6315
Jeff Saxby 563-593-4654
Andrew @ Printex EU 01148 668 136 652

Oh Oh looks like we have another killing machine on the loose!
Seriously though be careful. We all love Robert too much to see him blamed for an accident.
Oh wait he's above all blame for everything...ever

tonypep wrote:
Oh Oh looks like we have another killing machine on the loose!
Seriously though be careful. We all love Robert too much to see him blamed for an accident.
Oh wait he's above all blame for everything...ever

Tony is right here ... Inkman should spend less time typing and more time driving to Grainger to grab the $8 relay ... hahahahahaha

Inkman (me) is not blaming Robert for crappy relays or lack of decent engineering ability that is all on Poland, but Robert does need to be blamed for calling the machine all super advanced and easy to repair.

I seriously doubt it is the relay, if so why would it work then not work? It seems like a very loose connection somewhere that is still in contact enough to work most of the time but occasionaly shake loose long enough to break the loop. Dunno but it will be a process of elimination till solved how is that for advanced technology?

BTW bobby tomorrow we are going to grainger if they do not have it the greybar if not them then we will order one, as for safety I lowered the index speed to half just in case.

GraphicDisorder's picture

I like the part about "Everything you see here is someones order".

In 1 video, taking place on 1 day there are more M&R machines being built than Robert sold in a year. LOL

They don't look worried to me. They look like they are building equipment, a lot of it. YOU look like your playing on the internet. LOL

Graphic Disorder

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inkman996 wrote:
Inkman (me) is not blaming Robert for crappy relays or lack of decent engineering ability that is all on Poland, but Robert does need to be blamed for calling the machine all super advanced and easy to repair.

I seriously doubt it is the relay, if so why would it work then not work? It seems like a very loose connection somewhere that is still in contact enough to work most of the time but occasionaly shake loose long enough to break the loop. Dunno but it will be a process of elimination till solved how is that for advanced technology?

BTW bobby tomorrow we are going to grainger if they do not have it the greybar if not them then we will order one, as for safety I lowered the index speed to half just in case.

You should have let RWB stick his head in the door and fix your press -but- then you wouldn't be able to come on DigitSmith and attack Printex (you really are an ID10T)

Once again ... If M&R is so great -then- why would the CEO/Owner of the company spend so much time attacking Robert Barnes (something seems strange)

244 is on these forums regularly slamming Barnes ... Hrrrrmmmm

GreenSpace wrote:
Once again ... If M&R is so great -then- why would the CEO/Owner of the company spend so much time attacking Robert Barnes (something seems strange)

244 is on these forums regularly slamming Barnes ... Hrrrrmmmm

Its plain and simple Barnes. I am on here to try and prevent innocent screen printers from being ripped by a professional scam artist. Its that simple. Buyers beware!

GreenSpace wrote:
Once again ... If M&R is so great -then- why would the CEO/Owner of the company spend so much time attacking Robert Barnes (something seems strange)

244 is on these forums regularly slamming Barnes ... Hrrrrmmmm

Maybe things run so smoothly over there that that is how he spends his leisure time. Maybe Minesweeper and Solitaire just doesn't cut it any more.

I know you wouldn't know anything about that... tough to concentrate on a good game of Minesweeper when you are constantly looking over your shoulder.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

244 wrote:
Its plain and simple Barnes. I am on here to try and prevent innocent screen printers from being ripped by a professional scam artist. Its that simple. Buyers beware!

So as the CEO/Owner of M&R you are saying that Mustang Printers ( is a SCAM :confused:

pushing ink wrote:
Robert Barnes will steal your money! He stole 80,000 from me and the Mustang has major problems!!

We all heard your 80k story ... please tell us about the "major problems!!" the Mustang Printers have (this ought to be entertaining) :rolleyes:

GraphicDisorder's picture

GreenSpace wrote:
We all heard your 80k story ... please tell us about the "major problems!!" the Mustang Printers have (this ought to be entertaining) :rolleyes:

You used to say the same **** about Pooptex and turns out there was a lot you were hiding....

Like a ***** lol

Graphic Disorder

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Graphic Disorder:

Speaking of problems... when is the Andrew to save the day/ coming to America tour?!

Lots of people said it wouldn't happen... are you gonna own up and finally say it was all a farce?

I hope that the few people around here that actually think you are possibly still telling the truth will finally realize that you don't have that ability but you do have an uncanny ability to spin, spin, spin!

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

GraphicDisorder's picture

Nobody here will have to do anything but repeat the truth and the Mustang will fizzle out just like all of your ventures. They all have something in common..... You...

I your wettest most crazy dreams you nor the mustang or anything you will ever represent will ever be a force to be concerned about.....

Graphic Disorder

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GraphicDisorder wrote:

I your wettest most crazy dreams you nor the mustang or anything you will ever represent will ever be a force to be concerned about.....

Not true. I think he had the jiffy clamps worried with the progressive line but from what I hear the jiffy clamps are still selling like champs.

He can't successfully design equipment.
He can't successfully build equipment.
He can't successfully support equipment.
His track record for screwing people far outweighs his success in this industry.
He is an idiot.

vicb wrote:
He can't successfully copy equipment.
He can't successfully build equipment.
He can't successfully support equipment.
His track record for screwing people far outweighs his success in this industry.
He is an idiot.

I fixed it for you Vic

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Thanks to Brian once again we narrowed it down to a cheap relay at least we hope that is it. Have to replace with a quality one and should be good to go. Oh wait let me check my spare parts kit, nope there is not one.

GraphicDisorder's picture

inkman996 wrote:
Thanks to Brian once again we narrowed it down to a cheap relay at least we hope that is it. Have to replace with a quality one and should be good to go. Oh wait let me check my spare parts kit, nope there is not one.

Well if you had a spare parts kit.... There wouldn't be any quality parts in there either lol.

Graphic Disorder

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Dead in the water? At first I thought you meant it was sitting at the bottom of the ocean. Anyways kudos to Brian for helping out when he has nothing at stake.
What was that again....?
Better Price
Better Technology
Better Lawyers
I don't remember

Better technology hmmmm not so sure about that.

Being so advanced as he makes it out to be it should on screen tell you which safety bar is open, or as in my case say its all safety bars which easily narrows that down to the relay.

Nope I had to remove all print head control panels and inspect every connector and wire for loose or broke connections, then from there inspect the relay by messing with it while running to see if it trips the error.

Printex has some decent features on it but as far as advanced not really, I would prefer more intuitive diagnostics over bloated user features that will never be used.

GreenSpace wrote:
When the M&R safety cables fail how does the system indicate which cable has failed?

I think the point is that Robert touted this as "better" and "easier to diagnose".

If it is so much better than why is it failing and if it's easier to diagnose than why doesn't it tell you which safety bar is not closed.... I personally would think that would be an easy feature to implement and definitely a time saver on a larger press.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Also, for both machines there is ONE phone number that you have to call.

Difference is when it's M&R someone answers that phone call. When it's Printex not only do they not answer it you end up having to call another user to help you trouble shoot your problem.

I just got off the phone with Israel at M&R this morning concerning a USED 3140 that I bought. He gladly walked me through all the information I needed and even threw in some extra advice that could have cost me if I wouldn't have known and attempted to do this myself.

CERTAINLY can't knock them there!

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Gilligan wrote:
Also, for both machines there is ONE phone number that you have to call.

Difference is when it's M&R someone answers that phone call. When it's Printex not only do they not answer it you end up having to call another user to help you trouble shoot your problem.

I just got off the phone with Israel at M&R this morning concerning a USED 3140 that I bought. He gladly walked me through all the information I needed and even threw in some extra advice that could have cost me if I wouldn't have known and attempted to do this myself.

CERTAINLY can't knock them there!

You got to hand it to M&R in that even if their equipment fails more often, they are available to sell you plenty of parts to fix it, kudos to M&R

GreenSpace wrote:
When the M&R safety cables fail how does the system indicate which cable has failed?

I didn't say M&R had it figured out I said you toted how advanced and easy Printex is yet a simple issue and you have to dive into the whole machine and chase gremlins.

Gilligan funny thing is all the safety bars are patched into each head panel imagine how easily a competent engineer could implement a simple description listed after the error code.

Hmm something like this

"Error code 14 Safety bar open
Error recorded on head #5"

tonypep wrote:
Dead in the water? At first I thought you meant it was sitting at the bottom of the ocean. Anyways kudos to Brian for helping out when he has nothing at stake.
What was that again....?
Better Price
Better Technology
Better Lawyers
I don't remember

Did your feelings get hurt again (come here ... Big Daddy has a hug for you) hahahahaha

inkman996 wrote:
I didn't say M&R had it figured out I said you toted how advanced and easy Printex is yet a simple issue and you have to dive into the whole machine and chase gremlins.

Gilligan funny thing is all the safety bars are patched into each head panel imagine how easily a competent engineer could implement a simple description listed after the error code.

Hmm something like this

"Error code 14 Safety bar open
Error recorded on head #5"

Your Main Safety Relay failed and had nothing to do with the actual Safety Bars and you are still complaining STFU already we get it (you should be on M&R's payrol)

BTW ... shouldn't have been more than 1 minute to determine the Relay had failed ... Why did you remove all the head panels ... Maybe the display should have read (an ID10T error)
