Quantum One ink


I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with Quantum One ink from Wilflex recently. The "green" printing requests from clients have been pouring in and I have some samples of the ink. (It is NON-PVC and also 4 times the price of standard plastisol) We ran a few tests and it acts very similar to plastisol. Though this is as far as we've got. I am wondering if anyone is using this on a regular basis and what issues they may be having?




Greg hamrick's picture

If they want to pay for the higher price Ian, then go for it. I'm not very familiar with the Quantum inks, but I'll bet Aunt Sally's milk cow that it has a lot of the same volatile crap as most water-based inks.
Just because it is water-based or some other type of plastic dosen't mean it is all that "good" for the environment. If it is working for you and the "Greenies" want to buy it, issues shouldn't be a problem.
Uh...that's not exactly what you asked...but I'm blabby...and bored.


At the edge of dreams lay the far-flung ideals of true creation.

I am only responding to this just to give you a heads up about this product. I am sure you already did your research so I won't bore you with specifics. Quantum One is a Non-PCV that is very similar to Plastisol but not a plastisol ( cures like plastisol, no special emulsion required, dose not dry in the screen ) It's just the fact that it's truly a NON-PVC ink that' it, but you have to also use this to your advantage in letting the customer know they will have to pay more for this and you just have to make sure you don't have cross contamination in case they send it to a lab to make sure there is no PVC present. There is another system that is called Epic from Wilflex that is Phalide free (not sure if I spelled that right) that is the other product that is hot right now. Remember " going Green " or " Organic " is similar to anything that has " Marine " in it, it's going to cost you and the end user more.. In case you want to stick to water base I would go with Matsui 301 series also considered a true Organic ink. I hope this helps. Give Parmele Screen Process Supplies a call they keep me very well informed in this industry....8189829339

jr_sanford's picture

Hey Ian, what "solvent" (read that as "clean-up liquid") do you use for that Wilflex "green" ink?

J.R. Sanford
Production Manager
NW Awards
185 NW Chehalis AV
Chehalis, WA 98532
(shop) 360-748-7346
(cell) 360-880-6384

Cast aside your limitations;
And you shall be boundless!

Thanks everyone for your help! I use ICC ink degradent as well as their degreaser.

