Question about embroidery

I am in the screen printing business interested in getting into embroidery and have been watching for sometime now. What is a good embrodery machine in eveyones opinion?

Also just an fyi: does it seem like every embroidery machine for sale is hardly ever used?


hey there,

embroidery machines 2 brands


not new either 97-01 was a goodm era for tajima

barudan zn was a good era which is i think 96-99

as far a it hardly ever being used. that is a bunch of crap.
everyone uses there machine. i have a 12 head for sale but it was never used.. yeah right. and you have a 12 head why.. or a 4 head but never used it. i tend to think those are the machines to stay from. people who say theyre hardly used. when i buy a machine i tell the person i dont care if its ran 1000000000 hours. as long as its been maintained. and odds are the machine that has ran all the hours the previous owner has replaced the things that tend to break on them,

if you stick to those two brands it doesnt matter if they were used alot as long as they were maintained theyre fine and good to go.

I beg to differ...I have a Brother 8500 machine for sale and it is hardly used. It was bought to use as back up for my business but my full time job required more hours. So, I bought the machine expecting to use it alot. I've used it two or three times for embroidery and made a baby quilt, a few other small jobs and that's it. I am now going to get back into more embroidery and am upgrading so...there are many other people out there in the same position as myself. We sometimes buy machines thinking we'll use them more and for one reason or another...we just don't.

I do agree that there are people out there that say things like that but for the most part, I find that people that sell their machines that have a smaller business or work out of their home are honestly selling because their machines are "hardly used"!

If you are planning on using the embroidery machine in a business, make sure it is an industrial machine, not a home machine. They will die before you finish your first decent sized job. Constant, expensive maintanence is always necessary, and they just weren't designed for it. Besides, you can get too good a deal on industrial class stuff to bother.

Worn Id's picture

We are looking to upgrade ahve a very OLD Barudan. We are sticking with Barudan or going to Tajima. Possibly Brother... but the rest is just as not as reliable as I continue to research. I also agree with the statment about not getting a home machine... if you are seriouos about adding Embroidery, it will do you no justice and you will be buying another machine before you are actually ready.
Good Luck!


I think its like ford and chevy do your research and figure out what u are going to be doing with the machine. Its all about the bottom line $$ why pay for the name TAJIMA yes there nice but there is a lot of other machines out there. I own a Prodigy and it makes me alot of money and took alot less time to pay it off, so buy what you want dont get talked in to something because somebody says its the best, make em prove it !

We are finalizing the paperwork to lease a Baduran. We visited the folks at the ISS in Orlando and were very impressed with the sales staff, the machines and the deal we received. Machine should be here in a couple of weeks.

Sew Fine Designs