Questions about Melco AMAYA XT

Worn Id's picture

My boss got a call that he could get a 2yo repossessed machine.
What can anyone tell me about it.

Is it a decent machine?
What kind of quality of work will I get from it?
Is there a lot of maintance??

Thanks gang for your input!



I have 2 amayas. They are fantastic machines. With the OS software, the maintance is printed on the computer moniter. I love my amayas.The quality of work is excellent.

I had one Amaya XT and it is not an embroidery machine at all. Its a Plastic Joke on wheels!

the quality of embroidery is very poor, I asked for help from melco and they kept blaming my digitized designs, I had them professionally digitized, Come on.

I now own a Tajima and its a real machine, Well worth the extra money.

Worn Id's picture

Im surprised that you say their quality is poor, I saw one working at DAX and was impressed. They were out of our price range... we started looking at the Meistergram machine, but the deal ended up falling through. Actually that was a blessing in disguise now with the changes they have gone through. We now have this oppertunity, and if the last couple details pan out, we will most likely be purchasing.
Update on the facts, is that it is just over a year old, used under a year (due to the repo) and we can get it for less than half teh cost of the new XT, with everything included!

My question is do I really need two days training?? Or with my experience in the business, could I get what I needed out of ONE day?? We are just looking at keeping the cost down, picking it up to avoid shipping cost... ect. Any comments of ppl who have or do use tha AMAYA machines??



I've had 3 Amaya's ... The first one was DOA (dead on arrival) wouldn't even turn on. The second one blew a mainboard 3 days after we got it. The 3rd one caught fire ... Then we had to take them to court for a refund after we said "take a hike" (actual words were much more harsh)

To quote my friend dan:
"A Cusineart can beat a Melco"

I am up to almost 600 heads in my shop and they are all either Tajima or Barudan, Mainly Barudan.

Try looking into used ones. Either on here or I know its a big investment, but they are worth it. Tajima I believe is still running a special on single head NEO2's right now. You can pick them up for about $10,500 brand new.

Worn Id's picture

Well its a done deal! My boss signed teh dotted line yesterday and we are now going to be the proud (er, I hope) owners of a AMAYA XT. We will go and pick it up next week and get teh training... Im still not sure what to think, so many mixed reveiws an dI just think it was/is one of those to good to be true deals??? IDK< not my chioce, I just run the damn machine! Wish me luck and I will keep you posted once we actually have it.



Worn Id's picture

I just thought of something earlier as I was working ona project this morning.
Will I have to redigitize ALL my current stuff??
Or will I be able to convert my DAT files to DST (I asume the AMAYA will use DST)
I can create DST files within my current softeware, as in teh past I have outsourced a few projects and had to open my stitchfile and re-save it in the new format.

This will actually be a good way for me to weed out, some of the things I haven't used in forever. However, everything is also on DISK!! Does the AMAYA just feed directly form the computer, use a flash or what???


Laurie :)


Worn Id's picture

Well, I got my AMAYA XT Monday, trained all day Tuesday and have been working on things ever since! So far I really like the machine, but I think I would like just about ANYTHING after what I had! The digitizing software is wonderful and even though I will be RE-digitizing ALL my work (or atleast what I know I will be using) I am excited. I will use my down time after the first of the year to do that work. I have to get used to hooping differently and can't believe how much faster I am able to get things done!

So far... I am a happy camper! :)



Melco's tech support is number 1. I've had my Amaya XT for three years and have been extremely happy with it. When something does go wrong they are very easy to work on. I'm starting to busier and will be thinking about adding another next year.