quote times?

Robert Young's picture

Digitizers what do you feel is an acceptable time to return a quote?

Quotes are generally free I am assuming but some do take some quality time to consider how you would digitize them and then express that to your client.

What is your typical turn a round time for a quote?

Thanks in advance for your comments.

United States

Modern Embroidery Designer

3.5 wide sounds a little big to me, i had done it at 3" tall...and i didn't save it because it was a quote from a while ago, but i just did another quickie at 3.5" wide, with the banner filled and its coming up at 13618. want to try another one? here's one that i've actually done so we have a finished stitch count... this one is 9.5" tall, no fill behind the brewing lettering on the bottom. try this one:


my quickie comes up as 106,388

digitizing...since 1996. dixiedesigns.net

Robert Young's picture

I have this one at 90,000 stitches. Bringing up another point.. send a design like this to 5 different digitizers and you will get back 5 different embroideries. I have satin border on the main lettering and lots of detail in the water and a rope effect for the posts.

None of the 5 would be wrong.. just different interpretations of the art. (unless the client specified their thoughts up front)

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young wrote:
send a design like this to 5 different digitizers and you will get back 5 different embroideries.

that's VERY true! especially for something like this little game (kind of like guessing how many jelly beans are in a jar!). but typically they're asking for MY best guess on the design that I would create. so it works. i have had customers send designs that i've had to recreate where my stitch count was a LOT less than their original design. usually because they use way more underlay than necessary. i always figure that the original design came from a digitizer that charges by stitch count. :D

anybody else want to put in a guess before i post the finished number? :)

digitizing...since 1996. dixiedesigns.net

Robert Young wrote:
I have this one at 90,000 stitches. Bringing up another point.. send a design like this to 5 different digitizers and you will get back 5 different embroideries. I have satin border on the main lettering and lots of detail in the water and a rope effect for the posts.

None of the 5 would be wrong.. just different interpretations of the art. (unless the client specified their thoughts up front)

Every digitizer have his own way to estimate the design, i nearly have to digitize to provide quotes because client will always angry if there is much difference between quote and actual design stitches

Steven S
Freelance Digitizer and Vector Artist
First Two Designs Free (Embroidery Digitizing Only)
Price $10 per design - Email : digitizingninjas@gmail.com

Flat rate is the best, but some clients would like to go with stitch count specially with names so they think that 3000 stitch counts name should be around $5 to $6 that's my guess only.

Megadigitizing - Embroidery Digitizing & Vector Art Service http://www.Megadigitizing.com
(Left Chest | Cap $12 + $3 SEW OUT SAMPLE (Optional) / Jacket Back $30 ) | Leather Patches, Printed Patches, Embroidered Patches etc.

How do you guys charge for Just Name/Number for hat design?

Megadigitizing - Embroidery Digitizing & Vector Art Service http://www.Megadigitizing.com
(Left Chest | Cap $12 + $3 SEW OUT SAMPLE (Optional) / Jacket Back $30 ) | Leather Patches, Printed Patches, Embroidered Patches etc.

thanks! that was my first time playing with the freehand tool in wilcom. that's kind of fun. i think the ropes would have been prettier done as satin stitches, but the manual stitches for the detail would have split the satin...so they were stuck as a fill.

digitizing...since 1996. dixiedesigns.net

i rarely get requests for just a name or number for a hat. most embroiderers have editing/lettering software and take care of that themselves. i don't charge flat rate or by stitch count. i've charged by complexity for 20 years. my minimum is $35. no idea how you can stay in business at $10-$12 per design.

digitizing...since 1996. dixiedesigns.net

digidana wrote:
i rarely get requests for just a name or number for a hat. most embroiderers have editing/lettering software and take care of that themselves. i don't charge flat rate or by stitch count. i've charged by complexity for 20 years. my minimum is $35. no idea how you can stay in business at $10-$12 per design.

I charge $10 per design and sometime i have to digitize tough designs in this price too

Steven S
Freelance Digitizer and Vector Artist
First Two Designs Free (Embroidery Digitizing Only)
Price $10 per design - Email : digitizingninjas@gmail.com

Robert Young's picture

digitizingninjas wrote:
I charge $10 flat per design and number or names are 50% discount

do you still need to provide quotes? stitch count estimates. I know your client's know the price you are charging them, but they may need to know the stitchcount to know how to charge their clients or what their embroiderers would charge them.

Modern Embroidery Designer

doing the math sounds harder to me! haha it probably only takes me about 30 seconds to throw down a quickie...and i can get pretty close that way. a lot of my customers i've had for over a decade (some since 1997) and can guess the stitch count as well as i can just looking at it. not everybody asks for a stitch count, but when they do, if its fairly complicated, i like to get close so there are no surprises. i haven't really had any issues with doing it differently than they were thinking. they all just kind of trust me to make it look good. matching previously digitized designs has been an issue a couple of times tho. the ones that have been with me a while know to send me a pic of the sew out they need me to match. sometimes i ONLY get a pic of the sew out without artwork. i'm with ya on the mind reading...just ask my husband. i get it exactly wrong every time!

digitizing...since 1996. dixiedesigns.net

I just say i do flat price, but some shops ask for stitch count and i have to spend some time to give them quote, it is usually 1 to 2 hours

Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try

I have a client who always ask for stitch count estimates, actually that client sent me more design for stitch count estimates than orders :(.

Megadigitizing - Embroidery Digitizing & Vector Art Service http://www.Megadigitizing.com
(Left Chest | Cap $12 + $3 SEW OUT SAMPLE (Optional) / Jacket Back $30 ) | Leather Patches, Printed Patches, Embroidered Patches etc.

digitizingninjas wrote:
plus minus is always possible in estimates

Yes, but we do take time to fill the stitches in the designs. We can also give quotes just by looking at the design base on our experience but it's best to give as close stitch count as possible as in the end, if design approves by their customer, you will get the order.

Megadigitizing - Embroidery Digitizing & Vector Art Service http://www.Megadigitizing.com
(Left Chest | Cap $12 + $3 SEW OUT SAMPLE (Optional) / Jacket Back $30 ) | Leather Patches, Printed Patches, Embroidered Patches etc.

I'm not a digitizer, but I say take as much time as is necessary. I once quoted a job that my digitizer estimated at 14,000 stitches. The job was accepted and I gave the go ahead. The stitch count turned out to be 42,000. I quoted 20,000 but I had to eat the difference.

i usually quote in between doing designs, so usually within about a half hour. sometimes faster if i'm finishing up a design when the emails come in. i quote price, because i don't charge by stitch count. but if the customer wants a stitch count i do a quickie of the design to get a good idea of stitch count. just a general block of fill, satins if need be, and throw down similar quickie keyboard lettering. i try to quote the stitch count a little high to be safe.

digitizing...since 1996. dixiedesigns.net

if its one that i'm not sure of just looking at, i'll do a quick mock-up. bring it in at actual size, throw down similar lettering, blocks of fills/satins, etc. it takes less than a minute to do and its pretty accurate.

digitizing...since 1996. dixiedesigns.net

Robert Young's picture

thanks for your response... most of mine want a stitchcount so they know how to price to their client (most embroidery shops here charge by stitches) your way sounds like extra work! I mentally add up the stitches based on the way I would digitize it... satin border on fills or no, etc... and then TRY to convey that to the client. BUT many designs can be done multiple ways so if my idea is different than what they were thinking or what their client had done in the past I am once again forced to acknowledge my inability to read minds. I am so embarrassed that others seem to have that ability yet try as I might I just cannot!

Modern Embroidery Designer

half to 1 hour for stitch counts and we digitize in flat rate.

Megadigitizing - Embroidery Digitizing & Vector Art Service http://www.Megadigitizing.com
(Left Chest | Cap $12 + $3 SEW OUT SAMPLE (Optional) / Jacket Back $30 ) | Leather Patches, Printed Patches, Embroidered Patches etc.

Robert Young's picture

digidana wrote:
if its one that i'm not sure of just looking at, i'll do a quick mock-up. bring it in at actual size, throw down similar lettering, blocks of fills/satins, etc. it takes less than a minute to do and its pretty accurate.

see I disagree with you on the doing a mock-up thing. To me it takes more time than just stitch counting in your head and coming up with an estimate that is within realistic plus or minus standards.

I dont like telling a client that we can throw a pretty accurate rendition up in less than a minute...(heck that is faster than Auto krap digitizing..lol) wont they then think... OH, then it takes you 20 minutes to "FIX" the minute design to make it production ready? (the part we are charging for) does this make sense?

I guess my issue is with the "less than a minute" part. To me that suggests that we should not be charging what we do, because how do we explain the time difference / design fee? I prefer to just count in my head.. 1000 stitches per sq inch of fill, 200 per inch of satin, 50 per inch of running... add in underlay , any blends, etc... now THAT within less than a minute I can quote.... and the skill of digitizing is kept in tact.

Modern Embroidery Designer

it literally only takes me a minute to throw some stitches down. i'm not digitizing the design, i'm just throwing down a block of fill and approximately the same number of satins, and some lettering. i don't tell the customer i'm doing it, i just do it so that i know that i'm getting close.

is there an easy way to post a picture here? i can show you what i mean...

digitizing...since 1996. dixiedesigns.net