By k-12promo@optim... on
Jun. 26, 2012
Park Ridge,
United States
The work horse of any sign shop
but can also be used for cutting
names and numbers for athletic
teams and clubs with Stahls'
CadCut material. Unit is in great
shape and I will throw in the stand
that goes with it.
$700 or best offer.
If picked up, then I can also give the
buyer their pick of a large assortment
of vinyl.
Must sell. My house is sold and due
to close on July 16th.
There are 3 Comments
Re: Roland cm-24 vinyl cutter
do u still have cutter
Re: Roland cm-24 vinyl cutter
call if u do 205-948-3502
Re: Roland cm-24 vinyl cutter
I may be interested in your machine. Are you the original owner, and if so how long have you been operating it?