By Anthissa on
Jun. 01, 2010
Can anybody recomend a good company to do digitizing in the state of Texas?
Can anybody recomend a good company to do digitizing in the state of Texas?
Re: San Antonio Digitizing in Clifton, Texas
Re: San Antonio Digitizing
This is who we use and he is in San Antonio. Right now he is on vacation so it may take a day to respond but I highly recommend him.
The Art of Design
(210) 683-5713 (P)
888 389-0627 (F)
Sew Fine Designs
Re: San Antonio Digitizing
Not sure if u want to use other digitizer but here is my offer
First one to two designs free and if u like work, prices are 10 usd per design
Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try