Shop errors what to do ?

My shop errors are starting to get out of control. Would appreciate your input on reducing them, motivating my staff to reduce them, do you charge them to sewing teck? write them off? Put up a sign that says any mistakes are on customers? Thanks

United States

Well, I think everyone has a serious problem like this from time to time. My best results have come from constant reinforcement for a job well done, and you really don't have to say much when your employees make mistakes. They know what is expected of them.

Robert Young's picture

The first step in controlling these errors is to measure them. Put together a chart that shows the type of error, the number of times they happen and the dollar amount of each loss. Don't try to solve all the problems at once, you and your staff will all go crazy! Pick the top mistake on your chart and work out a way to stop that one or at least reduce it. Could be a combination of training, new procedures, slowing down, double checking, etc....
Once that one is no longer the top mistake go for the next one on the chart, etc. Continuous improvement is much more lasting than trying to do everything at once. (think of it as an exercise program... if you jump right in and work out 4 hours tomorrow... you will be too sore to do it again any time soon... and therefore you will probably not work out again... but if you spend 10 minutes per day, that is doable.... then in a week or so go to 15 minutes, etc... slow and steady, and you just might stick with it!)

Read some books or research on-line "Six Sigma" and you will quickly have the resources to help you and your company with charting and training and systems/procedure changes.
Best of luck!

Modern Embroidery Designer


Your Staff IS Your Business! Involve them in the process they have ideas and input as to what the problems are. Listen to them and have them list the problems and solutions. Work toward a goal of no more than 1% waste. One way is use checklists, keep them simple. Also think about a 0% loss bonus for your employees, it doesn't have to be big most times the pat on the back and appreciation for jobs well done brings up employee morale as does a monthly 0% Bonus Lunch.

i agree with Flint54 you have to do some training for this. thanks for this topic.

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