By Furthest on
Jul. 06, 2007
Singer CE-100 Futura 80-Stitch Function Sew & 4.5x6.75"
"Only sewing & embroidery machine combo under $500 with USB connection cable to your computer for unlimited downloading capability for ready to embroider designs and lettering. "
Can anyone give me some info on this machine? For under 500 i wonder if its too good to be true.
Re: Singer CE-100 Futura
Basically it's an embroidery machine hobbyists. It's great if you want to just embroider for fun. It's not a good machine for starting a business that's for sure.
Re: Singer CE-100 Futura
I agree with roberta. I've had my Futura for a little over a year and really enjoy using it for embellishing stuff for my grandkids. It does not do well with small lettering and small designs.