Software for embroidery and

perhaps screen printing?

Ok... I would like to get into embroidery and perhaps even screen printing. I want to know if there is any software that would enable someone to actually draw original artwork on a some sort of pad which would tranfer it to the machine, or even scan art in from an original drawing or painting... to have an embroidery machine automatically output onto a product (shirt, jacket, etc).

Thanks in advance!

You will need digitizing software, there are many out there and can be pricey. This allows you to recreate or create artwork in a format that the emb. machine can read. You can buy a wacom tablet(which I have and love) that allows you to draw with a pen(not a reg pen, comes with the tablet)

Worn Id's picture

Corel also has a digitizing program so you can work within you design programs. I have used a trial version and liked it. The only problem was with the trial I could only work on the screen, couldn't save anything and see how it woudl actually stitch out.
Right now I use Stitch Shop Pro (needleheads) and it can be frustrating to say the least.
It locks up at weird times and jsut in general gives me grief!
We are shooing for a new machine, which will hopefully also mean new software!

Good luck to you!
Laurie :)

I would like to start embroidery bussines......only for samples not for big productions
Can I have some advice .
I live in New York

get yourself a good quality embroidery machine, and dont be fooled into buying a new one that is cheap as this is a sure sign of trouble, eg, renaissance machines, im a tech and would put my order of preferance as 1. barudan, 2 . tajima , 3. older brother 415,
4, newer swf.
also dont buy expensive software to digitise designs as it takes time to learn and there are so many skilled digitisers out there, who will run up designs for minimal cost.


countyourblessings wrote:
perhaps screen printing?

Ok... I would like to get into embroidery and perhaps even screen printing. I want to know if there is any software that would enable someone to actually draw original artwork on a some sort of pad which would tranfer it to the machine, or even scan art in from an original drawing or painting... to have an embroidery machine automatically output onto a product (shirt, jacket, etc).

Thanks in advance!

i have a Pulse Signature Version 9.1 Rev A/ plus update Version 9.1 rev J, including the Embrodiery curriculum CD (Artist PLUS version) purchased from Hirsch International at US$8750.00. This is a complete SOFTWARE. We did not manage to start our home based embrodiery business though we wanted to.
What is your offer price for this software ? pls drop me an email at

thanks for this information. i like this very much because its so useful for me. thanks for sharing this here.

Remember your Grave

Brother has the PR-600 this as stated is a 6 needle machine, similar table top machines are made by Tajima, SWF, Melco, Prodigi, Happy and a few others. Needle counts run from 6 to 15 with some 9 and 12s. Getting into the Embroidery Business is not something that would be considered a small budget item.

If you are new remember to BUY NEW! I say this because if you have no knowledge of the machine you get tech assistance and machine repair could very easily bust your bubble! A new machine from a major manufacturer will come with a warranty, training, support, service and most everything you will need for start up. Software will also be a major purchase and time expenditure. You should learn to digitize yourself, this way you will know what is happening with designs. There is a lot to learn, it is not the turn key business that some expound.

If your intent is to really make a go at it, then by all means go for the gusto! Just do yourself a favor and research what you will need to learn before you start spending your money. Be sure to research your intended machine and buy the best that you can afford.

Get recent, reliable and reputable software, be very aware of any Auto Digitizing Software. Be cautious of used software as some software companies only allow the "ORIGINAL PURCHASER" FREE UPDATES and SUPPORT, they will charge you an upgrade/update/support fee if you are not the original purchaser. This fee can be up to $3000.00 plus. Embroidery Software is Expensive due to the limited number of clients and the expense that the companies incur due to updates and upgrading to keep up with the competition Many of the more inexpensive offers have extremely limited editing ability over the auto digitizing they provide and the results are very poor. It is very true that YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. If it appears to good to be true well you know how that goes.

Go with Quality and you will get Quality, and that is the bottom line! The CUSTOMER Deserves QUALITY! :cool:

ianmforrest's picture

I've been in embroidery for twenty-six years now on both sides of the fence - selling the equipment and more recently running an embroidery shop.
Do not buy cheap whatever you do. In my opinion the best and most robust machine is the Happy and the world leading software is Wilcom. Neither are cheap but both are world leaders.

Email me for price on "DRAWings4 and Wings modular 2.5."
Excellent software. Have lagitmate serial numbers and dongle.