Sroque machines ISS show Long Beach

Nice machines being shown at the ISS Show in Long Beach.
Sroque machines from Portugal.
It looks like Dave Maynard is spearheading the sales here in the USA.
He should do well! Machines are built very well, with interesting design thought. I have worked on a few in Latin America and was impressed.
Competition is good for all of us. It forces all to sharpen our skills, or else.
The consumer also benefits! Good Luck!


Dave worked for me at Progressive ... he is a good guy -and- sold several presses ... Best of Luck to Dave with the sRoque products

We first visited sRoque in Portugal a couple years ago ... they unfortunately didnt wish to adapt their pallet systems, Squeegees & Floodbars to the M&R style ... even the screen clamping was not adapted to the Newman pin Pre-Registration system -nor- M&R's Tri-Loc

Here is hoping that Dave has great success in getting the sRoque product adapted to the attachments that M&R -and- Progressive customers are using in their shops :-))

sRoque has a very unique design ...

all sheet metal design ...

unique bicycle chain indexer ...

a good clean facility ...

Yep ! Your right. They don't use the squeege/floodbar design that was first designed
by American Screenprinting machines, then adopted by others. Or the pallet design
from M&R. Nor, MHM,Tas,Schenk,Pannon,CMS etc.,etc.,etc. They use the pin system
like MHM and the film positioning unit, IMHO the finest,fastest system on the market.
I would like to see M&R design that option for there presses! I know we think our ideas
on design are better! Sometimes they are, and sometimes they not. It is a big world,
with many great ideas on how to skin a cat. Not being attached to any one idea, I am
always surprised, how different people come up with many different ways to perform a
task that is the same, at a much higher and lower cost, with results sometimes better
and sometimes not! But in the end, IMHO a sign I had hanging in my my surfboard
factory,that of all places, I saw first saw in a New Jersey bicycle shop many years ago!

" The bitterness of poor quality, lingers long after, the sweetness of a cheap price is


Great posts Winston ... We work with another company in Portugal by the name of Imaves <--- Carlos is one of the owners -and- he developed a lot of the sRoque designs ... I will post some pics for you of the Imaves products ...

Portugal has some incredible ideas ... in this pic Carlos shows me how their Printheads utilize touch screens on every Printhead to give the operator total function control ...

You know RWB is a Technology W H O R E ... so the idea of that kinda power at every Printhead is awwwwwwesome !!!

Both sRoque and Imaves have very modern, well organized, and clean facilities ...

Both sRoque and Imaves MFG some enormous ovals as well (up to 52 pallets)

SRoque make some of the coolest small format printers there are and their umbrella printer is VERY funky. In the back of my head it's on the list of machines I want, just dedicated to umbrellas....... I don't print enough, but, if I imported and stocked some and sold them cheap enough I would get the volume perhaps. An Anatol StratusII Jumbo sits above on the list for now though.

Printwizard wrote:
SRoque make some of the coolest small format printers there are and their umbrella printer is VERY funky. In the back of my head it's on the list of machines I want, just dedicated to umbrellas....... I don't print enough, but, if I imported and stocked some and sold them cheap enough I would get the volume perhaps. An Anatol StratusII Jumbo sits above on the list for now though.

Does Anatol have an umbrella setup ???

RobertWBarnes wrote:
Does Anatol have an umbrella setup ???

I want the anatol to print tea towels and large format on shirts. I would look a second hand 4/6 or 5/6.

Printwizard wrote:
I want the anatol to print tea towels and large format on shirts. I would look a second hand 4/6 or 5/6.

Inkman has Printex Hurricane 6 color 8 station ... it might be a lemon -but- it should have no trouble printing tea towels ;-) LOL

I always liked Sroque presses. Also their finishing and look is awesome. I've always wondered why they don't sell more of it in other markets. In Europe, Turkey is by far the strongest player in textile industry, I've visited some of the huge printing shops there, and haven't seen Sroque press. Not a single one. But it is probably because of those unique palette, squeegee, screen clamping systems as Robert mentioned. What a pity it is, they should really think about it.

arttex wrote:
I always liked Sroque presses. Also their finishing and look is awesome. I've always wondered why they don't sell more of it in other markets. In Europe, Turkey is by far the strongest player in textile industry, I've visited some of the huge printing shops there, and haven't seen Sroque press. Not a single one. But it is probably because of those unique palette, squeegee, screen clamping systems as Robert mentioned. What a pity it is, they should really think about it.

OMG ... don't get me started ... the owner of sRoque -and- his programmer flew over a few years ago -and- we arranged for them to visit Castle Shirt Co. in the Greensboro area of North Carolina to review the M&R Alpha 8 -and- the M&R Challenger III ... ALL that effort -and- in the end sRoque decided they weren't interested in making the adaptations for the USA Market :-(

I am not a big fan of the honeycomb pallets -but- that's a whole'nother topic ... let me find the Flickr pic of the cast aluminum pallet that Imaves has :-))

Here are the cast aluminum pallet pics from Imaves ...

Really kewl -and- really strong ...

Carlos the owner of Imaves had me sit my FatAZZ on the pallet -and- he indexed the press at full speed <--- that's one strong indexer on the Imaves

RobertWBarnes wrote:
ALL that effort -and- in the end sRoque decided they weren't interested in making the adaptations for the USA Market :-(

Ever think maybe they just didn't want to deal with your BS?

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Sorry you could not convince Sroque! My take on that would be that they probably looked
at the size of the perceived market, is it profitable for them to change their model, the amount of time and energy to change their product for your taste, is that really where they want to position there product, and most important...., their confidence in your ability to sell an amount of machines to there likeing and within what time period? They
don't have years for market penetration. Equally important is that, how smooth and trouble free are business transactions,and are their lots of happy customers. As I get
older I have learned to say no, more often than I use to. And now I am much more impressed when a company sticks to their core products/beliefs and does whatever they do very well and enjoys a reasonable profit, and has a good time doing it. I just looked
at your ScreenGear website for the first time and see you are how representing many companies! Congratulations! How did you convince them to make the changes to enter the
USA market, and how do they like those changes? Is it good for all?


californiadreamin wrote:
Sorry you could not convince Sroque! My take on that would be that they probably looked
at the size of the perceived market, is it profitable for them to change their model, the amount of time and energy to change their product for your taste, is that really where they want to position there product, and most important...., their confidence in your ability to sell an amount of machines to there likeing and within what time period? They
don't have years for market penetration. Equally important is that, how smooth and trouble free are business transactions,and are their lots of happy customers. As I get
older I have learned to say no, more often than I use to. And now I am much more impressed when a company sticks to their core products/beliefs and does whatever they do very well and enjoys a reasonable profit, and has a good time doing it. I just looked
at your ScreenGear website for the first time and see you are how representing many companies! Congratulations! How did you convince them to make the changes to enter the
USA market, and how do they like those changes? Is it good for all?


Hello Winston ... Manuel (the sRoque owner) told me his biggest concern was the weight of the rubber coated solid aluminum pallets -vs- the light weight of the honeycomb ... he felt that kinda index inertia would be entirely to strong for the bicycle chain -and- lasered sheet metal sprocket -plus- they only use one small registration bar to engage the lower part of the sprocket :-(

I think Imaves builds a more substantial product -and- Imaves is more technologically advanced with it's software and touch screen controls on each head ... with the uncertainty of the Euro -and- Portugal's financial crisis I am very concerned for both sRoque -and- Imaves

sRoque has installed a few machines recently at Fuse Box Designs in Canada ... so only time will tell where it goes from here :-o

Note: for obvious reasons ... Both Imaves and sRoque have had good success into Brazil with the common Portuguese language and hundreds of years of history

Winston ... I don't know if you like wine -but- Oporto, Portugal (the city you fly into to when visiting either Imaves -or- sRouqe) is world renowned for it's blends on wines -and- the ancient history of the city is definitely worth an extra day -or- twelve :-))

I would like to hear more information about Sroque...real stuff...

How are pallet changes done?

How do the printhead micros work as compared to MHM?

Do they use pins or bushings on screens like MHM? If so how do they differ?

What about the FPU? How does it work?

What stands out about Sroque more than other machines?

squeegee wrote:
I would like to hear more information about Sroque...real stuff...

How are pallet changes done?

How do the printhead micros work as compared to MHM?

Do they use pins or bushings on screens like MHM? If so how do they differ?

What about the FPU? How does it work?

What stands out about Sroque more than other machines?

I will email Dave Maynard a link to this thread ... let him chime in with answers to your questions ... maybe he could shoot some pics at the show -and- post them :-))

Squeege.. I would google Sroque and find their internet site.Also they have some
videos on You Tube which might answer some questions!

RWB.. I agree with the Euro being suspect. European manufacturing as we knew is
gone. Brazil will be the future market as well as other developing countries. Like you say
in the USA time will tell. It always does! And remember that even a broken clock is right
twice a day!

Imaves... I think you friend Carlos must have started as a designer in a waffle iron
factory. I think if times got real bad, he could attach a cal-rod to an upside down pallet,
mount them on a press,and turn out a $hit load of giant waffles fast!

I love Portugal...
