Straight Lines Not Straight

This may be more of a machine question than a digitzing question. But here goes, I have a Toyota 850 that I have had for several years. I seem to have trouble with it not sewing a thin straight line say like under a logo. It seems to be worse on thin fabric like a lab coat. The line looks straight on the computer screen. I'm using a med. weight cut away on back. Any ideas?? I have attached a pic of the sew out.

shellyky's picture

i have a similar problem on dickies workshirts and/or jackets. The thread is grabbing the weave of the fabric and making it appear jagged. see how your actual fabric has an angle to it?. i'm not sure any way around this but maybe trying an edge walk underlay.

(note that your vertical column appears OK, because there isnt as much of a weave when it goes vertical in your material)

Thanks! I thought that it may have something to do with the weave of the fabric. I have tried adding a running stitch underlay and that doesn't seem to do much. I've also thought about using a larger needle?? May just have to try and get the hoop aligned as straight as possible with the weave of the fabric.

Actually, I'm trying a piece of Badge Master right now. That's the extra thick Topping. It might be over kill, but I'll let you know if that helped.

Your stitching is definitely falling into the weave of your substrate. Topping is one way of dealing with this but another would be to use a heavy sharp needle like an 80/12 with your 40wt thread. Also along with this try using a zig zag underlay with a 20 degree offset or angle in lieu of the standard if your digitizing software has this ability. You will add a bit of density due to the underlay but you should also be able to decrease the design density to keep it soft.

Using the 80/12 needle will decrease the deflection of the needle due to the weave of the fabric. Hope this helps and best of stitching. :) :cool: