toyota vs tajima

I am starting new and looking at the toyota 9100 and the neo 2 tajima. It seems the software is easier with toyota and I get a lot more but I don't like the training in FL b/c that is added expense to me when I really don't need it. whereas, tajima has a training site 1hr from me that seems really great service but the price tag is higher. Plus the software doesn't seem as easy with the general font and design options. Any opinions on the two???

United States
Robert Young's picture

If those are the only options then I would vote for the Tajima hands down. They are workhorses and should be easier to sell if you need to. Having the support closer is a great plus as well!

Modern Embroidery Designer

SunEmbroidery's picture

I would go with Tajima. I think training is very important so I would include training travel fees when comparing the cost of the two machines. What about if you need a machine tech? Will the travel costs be more for a Toyota tech? I use Pulse and the phone support has been good. Also there is Pulselist, an email list where you can ask questions. I would check to see what type of support comes with the software sold by Toyota. Also, there is an online Tajima machine users group where you can ask questions.

hey there i have a toyota and i would go all the way toyota....i have the 9000....have had it for 5 years BEST MACHINE EVER...i went for the traing to fl and it was matter what you have to pay for a tech there is usually one avail near you even at a sewing center if they sell toyotas

I have a toyota. My technician told me that toyota is simply a tajima knock-off.

We own a Toyota 9100net. My wife used the 9000 for 5 years before she went out on her own. We liked the 9100net due to the ability to network the machine. makes it real nice. can have the computer by the counter and the machine a good ways way. And instead of a multi head machine, I can network several 9100net's together. It all boils down to personal preference

We own two SWFs the training has been done for us here in Raleigh and one class in Charlotte, only expense was our travel. When we need help it was available by phone and most problems were quickly resolved, also our maintenance is performed by SWF with a repairman just three hours away. Been very pleased with the sale, service and follow up from SWF.