SWF B-T1201 Need Manuals

I'm looking at purchasing a used machine of this model, but I can't find any of the manuals online, except for the parts list. Price is right, but I don't what to buy the machine without having a manual.

If anyone knows where I can find the manuals please let me know.

If anyone has the manuals I would gladly pay for a photocopy service and also a fair price for your time to send me a copy. Please.


Mike in Aurora, IL

Thank You! I really appreciate your help. I picked up the machine over the weekend and they did have the instruction manual for embroidering on caps, so I don't need that one. We also found someone selling an training/maintenance dvd which we purchased. I also found a technician here in Illinois that is familiar with the machine. We are looking forward to having a (hopefully) more reliable machine. My machine has a serial number that ends in 000049, so I think it's one of the original ones to come from Korea.

Yeah, I called them several times and they told me they do not have the manuals.

Turns out the machine we were looking at is the A/T1201 model. (Yeah the pink one). We bought the machine and are picking it up later this week.

When you have the time could bring the manual to a copy shop and have them scan it to a CD? I would gladly pay for it. If I had it in electronic format I would gladly distribute free it to anyone else who needed it.

Has your 1201 been a reliable machine?

Yes I will have it scanned for you.

I bought 2 of these in 2000. They are beige - not pink. The pink ones were the 1st generation to come to the USA.

My machines are workhorses. I've had only 2 parts need replacing all these years. Same little part on both machines. It's a very small black tab that is part of the wiper mechanism. I replaced one but the other one I just I made a tab with a piece of black electrical tape.

The 2nd, on one machine, was a ball bearing that fell out of the LM Guide Rail. SWF wanted $400ish for the part. My mechanic/husband measured the bearing and found some the same size and fixed it. Cost 200 bearings - under $17 incl shipping and some time.

Did you contact ColDesi.com to see if they have them on paper or disk?

I have A/T-1201 manuals but don't have the time right now to copy. I would do this when things slow down a little.

Find out the difference between a A/T-1201 and B/T-1201. I've not heard of the B model before.