By jr_sanford on
Sep. 19, 2008
We have a SWF - A-T1201 and are getting the message "Not Load Design" when we start it up.:mad:
This just happened yesterday and we are not able to use our embroidery machine. We bought this used and we don't know where the operating floppy discs are. :confused:
Does anyone know if we can download the files from the internet? :o
J.R. Sanford
Production Manager
N.W. Awards
185 N.W. Chehalis, AV
Chehalis, WA 98532
(shop) 360-748-7346
(cell) 360-880-6384
United States
Cast aside your limitations;
And you shall be boundless!
Re: SWF - A-T1201 message "Not Load Design"
Is the internal memory full? Do you need to clear out past designs? We have a 1501C, so I don't know how that compares.
Re: SWF - A-T1201 message "Not Load Design"
Also, have you gone to SWF's website? You can search there for error codes to get the fix.
Re: SWF - A-T1201 message "Not Load Design"
We've cleared out "past designs" and the SWF website said that we need to "reload" the system software.:eek:
Cast aside your limitations;
And you shall be boundless!
Re: SWF - A-T1201 message "Not Load Design"
Our SWF owner's manual (page 7-1) says that we need to run the system installment program for that particular message.
Problem is, we don't have the "system installment program" available. The SWF website has not been of any help either. :mad:
J.R. Sanford
Production Manager
NW Awards
185 NW Chehalis AV
Chehalis, WA 98532
(shop) 360-748-7346
(cell) 360-880-6384
Cast aside your limitations;
And you shall be boundless!
Re: SWF - A-T1201 message "Not Load Design"
glad I could help, let me know if you ever need help
I also sell and train on digitizing software,
Looking to Buy or sell used Tajima, Barudan, ZSk, Happy and SWF embroidery machines for cheap prices to anywhere in south America, Mexico, or Egypt. I broker used equipment (including screenprinting equipment)all over the United States and Canada. Please email with what you are looking for and I can find it here or there. We also have a technical staff for all makes and models of equipment.
Buscando en comprar o vender bordadoras usadas Tajima, Barudan, ZSK, Happy and SWF en precios mas baratos de cualquier lugar de America del Sur, Mexico o Egipto. Revendo equipo seminuevo (incluyendo pulpos de impresion) todo al rededor de los Estados Unidos y Canada. Porfavor envienme un correo electronico con lo que estan buscando y puedo encontrarlo aqui o en cualquier otro lugar. Contamos también con servicio tecnico para todas las marcas y modelos de bordadoras. Venta revendedores.
Contactenos via email en ingles o español.
Best Regards,
Scott Shoufler
Embroidery Technology
2600 E. Nye Lane
Carson City, Nevada
Office (775) 841-2195
Oregon Office (503) 939- 7109
Re: SWF - A-T1201 message "Not Load Design"
Scott... Thank You So Much for the step by step instructions on how to solve our issue!!! :D
(He called me...what a guy)
I also shut off the machine and turned it back on with no issues.:)
J.R. Sanford
Production Manager
NW Awards
185 NW Chehalis AV
Chehalis, WA 98532
(shop) 360-748-7346
(cell) 360-880-6384
Cast aside your limitations;
And you shall be boundless!
Re: SWF - A-T1201 message "Not Load Design"
So glad you were able to find help!