T-Jet feedback

Wood's picture

o and another thing i know this is the wrong forum for this but any input on the tjet printer would be nice.... does the color wash out or dull is it worth it over screenprinting? i do not have room for any more silkscreen equiptment but it thought i might look into a lease and just use my silkscreening set up for posters

T-Jet is great for small orders with lots of colours. Depending on your knowledge and how you set-up the printing, fading/dulling will vary. One thing you have to realize is that T-Jet cannot compete with a traditional manual/auto press when doing large orders - it is simply not as productive and costs significantly more.

The greatest thing you have to consider is reliability. Direct-to-garment printers are new technology and far from being perfect. It's already very expensive to begin with, but what about parts and repair as well as labour costs? Are there enough qualified local technicians available when they're needed or do you have to ship the unit to the manufacturer for the simplest of repairs?