By Jerry Ewing on
Dec. 30, 2011
I have a Tajima TMEHC904. About once a week it will quit taking the designs into memory and requires that we load the design as though it's coming from a tape. It then loads a small number of stitches and takes in more of the design as it sews. The problem, you have to reload the design and colors for each individual run. The real puzzling part - if I replace the H-I/F card with a spare I have, the machine/memory works perfectly for about a week, and then the same problem appears. Switch the card back to the other card and it runs great for about a week again. The best tech I know can't figure it out. Anybody have any ideas?
Re: Tajima memory problem
inside panel is an battery(NI-CA 2.4V/90mA).
turn off the power
disconnect the battery for one hour.
after one hour with an voltmeter check the battery.
if has less than 2V change it.
connect again the battery
erase all memory designs and load again an design.
Re: Tajima memory problem
Thanks! I will give that a try. Did you have a similar problem?
Re: Tajima memory problem
yes i solved this kind of problem changed the battery many times.
but not all the times must be the battery or only battery.
i hope to be lucky to be only the battery not an card.
Re: Tajima memory problem
I checked that battery and it showed about 2.2V. Does it need to sit longer than an hour with the machine off before testing? The battery is probably the original from the factory, which means it's 17-18 years old. Could it still be the problem? What else should I be looking for/at to figure the problem out?
Thanks for the help!
Re: Tajima memory problem
after turn off the power ,disconnect the battery(cut the +wire,you will weld again after if the battery is ok)
wait one hour and test the battery with an voltmeter.
disconnecting the battery you also will reset the memory card
use an original battery if is necessary to change it.
Re: Tajima memory problem
you can try to kip the battery disconnected for week-end and make tests Monday.
this is the procedure i know for test the battery and reset the memory card.
but to tel you strait all the time i have this kind of problems i change directly the battery(i name it battery,but is an accumulator,rechargeable battery)
Re: Tajima memory problem
I changed the battery and to get the machine running again (the white keys on the control panel wouldn't function) we had to do a hard reset by pulling the chip on the main board. Machine is now running and memory is working but it seems as though we've lost some functions. The thread trims are not working correctly (the machine will trim, just not at all the preset trims) and the upper thread takeup lever keeps running as the head is moving from one letter to the next on applique. Never did this before. HELP!!!!!!!
Re: Tajima memory problem
take off again and put back the PROM(S)
clean with contact spray and compress air the signal cables connectors.
please tell me what is the white button on the panel(i don t remember)
Re: Tajima memory problem
Everything is now running great. (Well, with the memory anyway.) We had to reset the defaults to do auto thread trims. Now head one has a totally unrelated problem. When I move my thread takeup lever up and down the arm shaft rotates back to the gear case but not as far back as the arm shaft bevel gear where it meets the arm shaft drive bevel gear. Sound like it will be much easier to diagnose. Either something loose or something stripped.
Re: Tajima memory problem
look to head nr.2 to see the if is something different
Re: Tajima memory problem
Replaced battery and memory was fine for two weeks. Now it's back to having to run the machine on "tape" mode, reenter the design and colors each time. Anybody have an idea of where to look next?
Re: Tajima memory problem
at this moment i rely don t know what to say.
did you put an original battery?(is rechargeable not normal)
every time i change an battery i leave the machine with power ON 8 hours,to be fully charged.
maybe you need an Tajima tech.
in front of machine is totally different
Re: Tajima memory problem
original battery is
NI-CA 2.4V 90mA(I used max.180mA)
Re: Tajima memory problem
Yes, got the battery from my Tajima parts supplier. My local Tajima tech is outstanding, but this has him baffled. It seems as though something keeps resetting.
Re: Tajima memory problem
I have a different problem, I cannot delete an old design tha was stored in the internal memory of a Tajima TFMX-C, I already tried selecting option (Memory Delete) ALL on the panel but the design still remains there, what can I do?