Toyota 830 Trimming Issue


The thread catcher is moving with the stitches and cutting both the bobbin and top thread with every stitch. I have a service manual for an 860 but really need to know how to turn off the thread catcher from moving with the stitches.

Thank you,

United States

Okay, I think I figured out the reason why the thread catcher was not returning to the positions that locked it during embroidery, the oil has gummed up the arm that moves back and forth and once I cleaned all the old rancid oil out from that location the thread catcher returned after trimming to the correct location and was no longer moving during embroidery.

Just to clarify this machine was given to me broken and I have fixed the power supply and the recipracator that was out of alignment and clean off the CPU to get it to work again. It was sitting in a garage broken for 10 years before I got it, as such with the heat in the summer here and the cold in the winter the oil that was used originally was rancid, luckily we have not humidity here so nothing rusted. The previous owner had gotten it completly cleaned and reoiled before it was determine that it was broken.